John Mellencamp Lyrics

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Jerry´s jelling at the man in the moon
He´s right outside of my window
He acts like a madman from time to time
I hope he brings it to a crescendo soon
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon

Jerry rides his skateboard down the street
He´s thirty-seven years old with six children
He sees the world through a ten year old boy´s eyes
He doesn´t even notice that it´s raining outside
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon

But sometimes he cries
He wants me to console him
But I know he´s lying about
Everything he told me

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Says he prayed to suffer the consequences
What is his penalty for his immaturity
Will he be cast into eternal darkness
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon

Overall Meaning

John Mellencamp's song "Jerry" may be interpreted as a study of the nature of human psychology and the human condition. Jerry appears to be a man whose life has not gone as planned. He yells at the man in the moon, and Mellencamp insinuates that Jerry is praying for punishment for his immaturity. This shows a sense of self-awareness on Jerry's behalf but also hints at a potential death wish or at least self-destructive tendencies.

The lyrics of the song also give some insight into Jerry's state of mind. Jerry seems to suffer from some form of arrested development that makes him view the world through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy. He does not notice it raining outside, but instead focuses on the man in the moon yelling back at him. This could be read as a metaphor for Jerry's inward looking mental state or obsessions.

Mellencamp's song is open to interpretation, but it can be argued the song is about examining the emotional turmoil of a person who cannot reconcile his or her childhood dreams with an adult's reality, with Jerry as a prime example of such a person.

Line by Line Meaning

Jerry´s jelling at the man in the moon
Jerry is shouting loudly at the full moon outside his window

He´s right outside of my window
The full moon is outside Jerry's window

He acts like a madman from time to time
Jerry behaves erratically occasionally

I hope he brings it to a crescendo soon
Jerry wants the moon and his emotions to reach a peak soon

Jerry rides his skateboard down the street
Jerry takes his skateboard and goes around on the road

He´s thirty-seven years old with six children
Jerry is a 37-year-old man with six kids

He sees the world through a ten year old boy´s eyes
Jerry views the world like a ten-year-old child

He doesn´t even notice that it´s raining outside
Jerry is unaware that it's raining outside

But sometimes he cries
Jerry expresses sadness sometimes

He wants me to console him
Jerry desires emotional support and comfort from the artist

But I know he´s lying about everything he told me
The singer has a sense that Jerry is not truthful about whatever he shared

Says he prayed to suffer the consequences
Jerry claims to have sought punishment for his actions

What is his penalty for his immaturity
Jerry wonders what penalty he will pay for his immature actions

Will he be cast into eternal darkness
Jerry is fearful of being damned to an endless state of gloom

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry is still shouting at the full moon outside his window

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry continues to be vocal towards the moon

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry persists in his outburst towards the full moon

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry is incessant in his loud protests directed at the moon

Jerry´s yelling at the man in the moon
Jerry carries on with his yelling at the full moon

Lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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