✌ Nightcall

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There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
There's something inside you
It's hard to explain

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

There's something inside you
It's hard to explain

They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Kavinsky's "Nightcall" appear to describe a sense of inner turmoil and confusion that the singer is experiencing. The repetition of the phrase "there's something inside you, it's hard to explain" suggests that there is a deep and complex emotion that the singer is grappling with. At the same time, he is aware that others are talking about him, yet he still feels like he is the same person.

It is possible that this song is exploring the themes of identity and authenticity. The singer may be struggling to understand who he is and what he wants out of life, while being aware of external expectations and pressures. The repetition of the phrase "but you're still the same" may suggest that no matter what happens, the singer knows that he is fundamentally the same person, and that he needs to stay true to himself.

Overall, the lyrics of "Nightcall" are highly reflective and introspective, painting a portrait of a protagonist who is struggling to make sense of his own emotions and identity, as well as the world around him.

Line by Line Meaning

There's something inside you
There is a mysterious quality about you that is difficult to identify

It's hard to explain
This quality is elusive, and it's difficult to express or understand

They're talking about you boy
People are discussing, gossiping, or critiquing you, young man

But you're still the same
Despite this attention or criticism, you remain true to yourself and your identity

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Spotify link (NBSPLV - The Lost Soul Down)






Thanks TikTok


как я вовремя!


@@aklizazi6417 The heck

44 More Replies...


The most hardest song to find


I found it instantly, when i searched NBSPLV.


@@miksumaster8899 pretty sure they mean in the sense that they didn’t have any knowledge of the song’s origin, not even the name of it’s creator, and had difficulty finding it.


@@Nico07312 Thanks Cap. Obvious
May you fly away to distant lands , seeking your service.

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