When Winter Comes
KITCHEN - Paul McCartney Lyrics

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Must fix the fix the fence by the ache of plot
Two young foxes have been nosing around
The lambs and the chickens won't feel safe until it's done

I Must dig a drain by the carrot patch
The whole crop spoils if it gets too damp
And where will we be with an empty store?
When winter comes

When winter comes
And food is scare
We'll warn our toes to stay indoors
When summer's gone
We'll fly away
And find the sun
When winter comes

I must find the time to plant some trees
In the meadow where the river flows
In time to come, they'll make good shade
For some poor soul

When winter comes
And food is scare
We'll warn our toes to stay indoors
When summer's gone
We're gonna fly away
And find the sun
When winter comes

Must fix the fix the fence by the ache of plot
Two young foxes have been nosing around
And the lambs and the chickens won't feel safe until it's done

When winter comes
And food is scare
We'll warn our toes to stay indoors
When summer's gone
We're gonna fly away
And find the sun
When winter comes

And find the sun
When winter comes

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of "When Winter Comes" by Paul McCartney convey a sense of urgency and preparation for the coming winter season. In the first verse, McCartney mentions the need to fix a fence that has been damaged by the weight of a plot, possibly referring to the burden of responsibility. The presence of two young foxes adds a sense of threat to the safety of the lambs and chickens. The lyrics emphasize the importance of completing this task to ensure the animals' protection.

The second verse speaks to the importance of drainage in the carrot patch. If the crop becomes too damp, it will spoil, indicating that attention to detail is necessary for success. McCartney ponders the consequences of having an empty store when winter arrives, suggesting the need to have enough supplies to sustain oneself during the colder months.

The chorus repeats the anticipation of winter and highlights the scarcity of food during this time. McCartney suggests taking precautions by warning our toes to stay indoors, signifying the need to protect ourselves from the harsh conditions. He also hints at the possibility of seeking warmth elsewhere, of "flying away" to find the sun, symbolizing escape from the cold and scarcity.

In the third verse, McCartney focuses on planting trees in a meadow by the river. These trees will provide shade in the future, offering comfort to someone in need. This may suggest a longing for a brighter future or an act of generosity and foresight.

The final repetition of the chorus reinforces the idea of preparing for winter and the scarcity it brings. The lyrics express a desire to find the sun and escape the inevitable difficulties of the season. There is an underlying sense of hope that things will improve and that life will be better when winter eventually comes.

Overall, "When Winter Comes" reflects Paul McCartney's reflection on the importance of preparation, protection, and finding solace in the face of challenging times. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of our surroundings, take necessary action, and search for positivity despite the hardships that winter may bring.

Line by Line Meaning

Must fix the fix the fence by the ache of plot
I have to repair the fence that surrounds my garden because the plot of land is in pain and needs to be protected from outside threats.

Two young foxes have been nosing around
There are two curious foxes that have been exploring and investigating the area.

The lambs and the chickens won't feel safe until it's done
The lambs and chickens will continue to feel restless and anxious until the fence is fixed and they are properly protected.

I must dig a drain by the carrot patch
It is necessary for me to create a drainage system near the area where I have planted carrots in order to prevent the crop from getting ruined due to excessive dampness.

The whole crop spoils if it gets too damp
If the carrots are exposed to too much moisture, the entire crop will be ruined and become inedible.

And where will we be with an empty store?
If we run out of stored food, we will be in a difficult situation with no provisions or supplies to sustain us.

When winter comes
Referring to the arrival of the winter season, a time of cold weather and scarcity.

And food is scare
When food becomes scarce and hard to find due to the challenges of winter.

We'll warn our toes to stay indoors
We will take precautions and stay indoors to protect ourselves from the harsh and cold weather, ensuring the safety of our extremities.

When summer's gone
When the summer season ends and transitions into the winter period.

We'll fly away
We will escape and seek refuge elsewhere, moving to a warmer place.

And find the sun
In our search for a more favorable climate, we will seek out the sun's warmth and rejuvenating energy.

I must find the time to plant some trees
It is important for me to allocate time and effort to sow and cultivate trees in a meadow where a river flows.

In the meadow where the river flows
Choosing a location for tree-planting that provides access to water and fertile conditions, ensuring their growth and survival.

In time to come, they'll make good shade
As the years pass by, the trees will grow and provide beneficial shade to shelter and provide relief to those in need.

For some poor soul
The shade provided by the mature trees will offer comfort and solace to someone who is less fortunate or in a difficult situation.

And find the sun
Once again, emphasizing the desire to seek out a sunny and warm place to escape the hardships of winter and find comfort.

Written by: Paul McCartney

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:


Paul I love this! This is art !after all those years writing hits you are finally free. Now that's real. I just wish I could played piano on it.oh well I ll record a part over it anyway !💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Why they didn't mention to Mac in the album?


Well Anderson .Paak was the one who remixed it, he just asked Mac to give him an instrumental assist to beef the track up. He’s just a player on .Paak’s remix essentially

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