Black Rivers
Kate Miller Lyrics

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Dragging you through the woods
In the Hessian sun
I've got to hold on, keep on
Always breaking my back
Heavy burdens twist and turn black rivers
Darkest secrets I saw merging black rivers
Watching you overcome at the water's edge
I've got to undo water through my tracks
Just to see where I've drained
Heavy burdens twist and turn black rivers
Darkest secrets I saw merging black rivers
It's all in my head, it's all In my head
Now it's in my mind
It's in my mind
It's not all that, it's not all that...
It's all in my head, it's all In my head
Now it's in my mind
It's in my mind
It's not all that, it's not all that...
It's not that physical
Heavy burdens twist and turn black rivers
Darkest secrets I saw merging black rivers
It's all in my head, it's all In my head
Now it's in my mind
It's in my mind
It's not all that, it's not all that...
It's all in my head, it's all in my head
Now it's in my mind
It's in my mind
It's not all that, it's not all that...
It's all in my head, it's all In my head
Now it's in my mind
It's in my mind
It's not all that, it's not all that...
It's all in my head, it's all In my head
Now it's in my mind
It's in my mind

It's not all that, it's not all that...
It's not that physical

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Kate Miller's song Black Rivers seem to speak about the struggles of carrying emotional burdens that are difficult to shake off. The singer in the song is dragging someone through the woods in the sweltering heat, trying to keep up the effort despite the weight of the task. The burden is described as a twisting, turning black river, which represents the dark secrets that are being carried. The secrets are so heavy that they seem to merge and create a larger, more powerful force. The singer witnesses someone else overcome their pain by the water's edge, which makes them reflect on their own struggles. The chorus repeats the phrase 'it's all in my head', which suggests that the singer is aware that the burden they are carrying is not necessarily physical, but rather an emotional weight that seems to consume them.

The repetition of the chorus also emphasizes that the singer cannot seem to shake off this emotional weight. They constantly feel as though it's in their head, but now it's crept into their mind. The final line, "It's not that physical," further emphasizes the idea of the emotional burden being something that's intangible and hard to express. The song's lyrics give a powerful message about the importance of dealing with emotional and mental health issues, as these are concerns that can't be easily dismissed or brushed off.

Line by Line Meaning

Dragging you through the woods
I am literally dragging someone through a forest or wooded area.

In the Hessian sun
It is a hot day, and the sun is beating down on us.

I've got to hold on, keep on
I must persevere and continue to hold on to something important to me.

Always breaking my back
This situation is putting a tremendous strain on me physically or mentally.

Heavy burdens twist and turn black rivers
My heavy emotional burdens are creating a twisted and dark outlook on life.

Darkest secrets I saw merging black rivers
I have witnessed the merging of my deepest, darkest secrets resulting in an even darker outlook on life.

Watching you overcome at the water's edge
I am observing someone I care about overcoming a difficult obstacle at a waterfront.

I've got to undo water through my tracks
I need to retrace my footsteps to understand the changes that have taken place and how it has led to this point.

Just to see where I've drained
I need to figure out where my mental and emotional energy has been spent and how it has affected me.

It's all in my head, it's all in my head
These thoughts and feelings are all in my mind.

Now it's in my mind
I have become fully aware of the situation and the impact it has had on me.

It's not all that, it's not all that...
The situation is not as bad as it seems, and I am working on shifting my perspective to a more positive outlook.

It's not that physical
The burden I am carrying is not a physical one, but rather an emotional and mental one.

Contributed by Colin N. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Comments from YouTube:


You inspires me soo much <3 Your brazilian fan.


you are an inspiration! 


go girl! you're amazing! and I want mooore :)


Beautiful voice ♥ Come to Argentina someday, please!


Make more music please ! We love u from Paraguay


Maravilhosa 😍💕👏🏻👏🏻✨


Blogged here:


Kate Miller, one i prefer .but 2 other artists have the same name... hard to to find You madam. Could you add a nick name to be easily found and recognized, or change something ....maybe shorten your artistic identity to just Kate M. Or Kate Black or something

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