King Krule Lyrics

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I enjoy stroking my head on the cranes
But they alone are all just one in the same
Don't mean to try to walk about
Amongst stolen sights to talk about[?]
A passionate lie won't ease ya' now
Maybe I was found just bathed in doubt

Well I'll scan a different coast
Where my blame can lay and roast
In the heat of my own treason
Just as another payment towards
I remain aware of those
When consumed to paths of reason
Now do you [?]
In the gluey [?]
And the scenery starts peelin'
This is the final line I wrote
And applying it [?]
To bring down the ceiling

This is the final line I wrote
And applying it [?]
To bring down the ceiling

This is the final line I wrote
And applying it [?]
To bring down the ceiling

This is the final line I wrote
And applying it [?]
To bring down the ceiling

This is the final line I wrote

And applying it [?]
To bring down the ceiling

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of King Krule's song "Ceiling" are enigmatic, steeped in metaphor, and rife with allusions that can be difficult to decipher. The opening lines describe the singer's enjoyment of touching their head against cranes, but they are aware that all cranes are essentially the same. This could represent a sense of ennui, a feeling that all of their experiences are monotonous and interchangeable. The singer then admits that they are not attempting to explore anything new, instead just wandering past "stolen sights" that they will not be able to talk about meaningfully.

The lyrics become more cryptic in the second verse. The singer decides to "scan a different coast", perhaps suggesting a search for something different or a break from the monotonous routine mentioned earlier. However, this search for something new is tied to "blame" and "treason", suggesting that the singer may not be entirely innocent in their search for novelty. The final lines repeat the phrase "This is the final line I wrote / And applying it [?] / To bring down the ceiling", though the meaning of these words is unclear.

Overall, "Ceiling" seems to be a meditation on the search for meaning in a world that can feel stagnant or repetitive. The singer is aware of their own limitations and the way they circulate through the same experiences repeatedly, yet they still feel the urge to break free in some way, even if it means making mistakes.

Line by Line Meaning

I enjoy stroking my head on the cranes
I take pleasure in unusual activities, like rubbing my head on the construction cranes.

But they alone are all just one in the same
Although each crane may be unique, to me they all seem the same.

Don't mean to try to walk about Amongst stolen sights to talk about[?]
I don't want to explore sights that have been taken from others and use them as conversation topics.

A passionate lie won't ease ya' now
Even if I were to tell an emotional lie, it wouldn't make things better for me now.

Maybe I was found just bathed in doubt
Perhaps I have always been unsure of myself and my actions.

Well I'll scan a different coast Where my blame can lay and roast
I'll look for a new location where I can accept responsibility for my actions and suffer the consequences.

In the heat of my own treason Just as another payment towards
As I continue to betray myself, I'll consider each negative outcome as a type of punishment.

I remain aware of those When consumed to paths of reason
I try to stay mindful of those who follow rational paths, even if it's not for me.

Now do you [?] In the gluey [?] And the scenery starts peelin'
Unclear meaning, contextually may imply an unknown, unsettling situation.

This is the final line I wrote And applying it [?] To bring down the ceiling
I wrote this final line and it has some power to change things, to bring down my metaphorical ceiling and find some resolution.

Contributed by Lillian M. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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