London Grammar Lyrics

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I'm feeling shyer and the world gets darker
Hold yourself a little higher
Bridge that gap just further
And all your being
I'd ask you to give it up
Oh ancient feeling love
So beautifully dressed up
Feeling shyer
I'm feeling shyer
I'm feeling shyer

Maybe you should call her
Deep in the night for her
And all your being I'd ask you to give it up
I'd ask you to give it up

Hei, give it up
we would give it up

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of London Grammar's song "Shyer" speak about feeling shy and the world becoming darker as a result. The singer is advised to hold themselves higher and bridge the gap further in order to overcome their shyness. The phrase "bridge that gap just further" could be interpreted as an encouragement to push beyond one's comfort zone, to go the extra mile in order to overcome obstacles.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase "I'm feeling shyer," echoing the feelings of inadequacy and timidity that are prevalent throughout the song. The lyrics also make reference to an "ancient feeling love" that is "beautifully dressed up," which could be a metaphor for something valuable that is hidden or disguised. Could this be a reference to the singer's own self-worth, buried beneath their shyness?

Towards the end of the song, the lyrics suggest that the singer should reach out to someone for help. "Maybe you should call her/Deep in the night for her" - this could indicate that the singer is seeking guidance from someone they admire or trust. Despite the vulnerability and shyness expressed throughout the song, the ultimate message seems to be one of hope - "we would give it up." There is the suggestion that persistence and perseverance can help to overcome shyness and self-doubt.

Line by Line Meaning

I'm feeling shyer and the world gets darker
I'm becoming more introverted and the world feels more daunting.

Hold yourself a little higher
Try to boost your confidence and self-esteem a bit.

Bridge that gap just further
Take the extra step to connect with others and form deeper relationships.

And all your being
Your entire being, including your thoughts and emotions.

I'd ask you to give it up
I encourage you to let go of any internal struggles or fears.

Oh ancient feeling love
A long-lasting, undeniable love that transcends time.

So beautifully dressed up
This love is presented in a pure, unadulterated form.

Maybe you should call her
Perhaps you should reach out to someone you care about.

Deep in the night for her
During a time when you feel deeply and introspective, connect with her.

Hei, give it up
Hey, surrender to your emotions and let go of whatever is holding you back.

we would give it up
Together, we can let go and move forward.

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