Follow the sun
Paffendorf Lyrics

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I follow the sun when the summer is gone
I follow the sun before winter comes

I follow the sun - that makes me breathe
I follow the sun - that´s all I need

I follow the sun when the sky turns dun
(I follow the sun)
I follow the sun until the summer comes
(I follow the sun)

I follow the sun - which I can´t reach
I follow the sun - that´s all I need

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Paffendorf's song "Follow the Sun" seem to convey a sense of longing and yearning for the sun and the summer season. The repetition of the phrase "I follow the sun" suggests a strong desire to chase after the warmth and brightness that the sun represents.

The first two lines of the lyrics, "I follow the sun when the summer is gone, I follow the sun before winter comes," indicate a willingness to hold onto the remnants of summer and to bask in its last rays of sunshine before the colder months approach. This can be interpreted as a metaphor for a desire to prolong happy and carefree moments, as summer is often associated with relaxation and freedom.

The lines "I follow the sun - that makes me breathe, I follow the sun - that's all I need" reflect the importance that the sun holds in the singer's life. The sun represents vitality and life, and by following it, the singer feels a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It suggests that the sun is not just an external source of light but also a source of personal nourishment and inspiration.

The line "I follow the sun when the sky turns dun" highlights the determination to continuously pursue the sun, even when faced with challenging or uncertain circumstances. The sun becomes a guiding force that offers hope and optimism, providing a sense of direction and stability. By following the sun until the summer comes again, the singer expresses a resilience and belief in the cycle of renewal and rebirth.

The final lines, "I follow the sun - which I can't reach, I follow the sun - that's all I need," convey a sense of longing and acceptance. The unreachable nature of the sun suggests that the singer is pursuing something beyond their grasp, symbolizing a longing for something unattainable or a dream that may never be fully realized. However, despite this, the sun remains a driving force and a source of contentment for the singer. It encapsulates the idea that sometimes the pursuit itself is enough to bring fulfillment and joy, even if the ultimate goal remains out of reach.

Line by Line Meaning

I follow the sun when the summer is gone
I continue to seek happiness and positivity even when times are difficult or gloomy.

I follow the sun before winter comes
I strive to make the most out of life and enjoy its warmth and brightness before hardships or challenges arrive.

I follow the sun - that makes me breathe
Chasing after the sun brings me a sense of vitality and rejuvenation.

I follow the sun - that´s all I need
I find solace and fulfillment by pursuing the sun, it satisfies my deepest desires and needs.

I follow the sun when the sky turns dun
When everything appears dull and uncertain, I still cling to my pursuit of happiness and positivity.

(I follow the sun)
I remain dedicated to my quest for the sun's warmth and brightness.

I follow the sun until the summer comes
I persistently chase after joy and abundance, regardless of the circumstances, until I am surrounded by positivity and happiness.

(I follow the sun)
Continuously seeking the sun's radiance and positivity is ingrained in my pursuit of a fulfilling life.

I follow the sun - which I can´t reach
Although I may never fully attain the ultimate happiness and brightness represented by the sun, I still pursue it relentlessly.

I follow the sun - that´s all I need
The sun's warmth, positivity, and joy are the only things truly essential to my well-being and contentment.


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Not bad, although I prefer the oldschool Paffendorf sound. But nice to see they are still producing new music. 😊👍




Awesome Track. 🤘🤘🤘🤘🎆🎆


good melody 👍👍


Great job brah 😁🙏🔥


Paffendorf 😍🎵😍🎼🎼🎵♥️




Super !!!

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