Ryan Adams/The Cardinals Lyrics

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When I pick up my guitar
This is the song that always comes
Don't know what I'm singing 'bout and
Don't know what for
I think about you
And I think about Rosebud

Wish there was a song to sing
To bring you back
But you can't get here from nowhere I guess
Rosebud's shipwrecked up on the Ohio
Behind a wall of glass
Telling me to take care of myself
And my friends

You sing to a field of trees
And roses singing those melodies
Simple and easy where everything moves
Underneath you
And Rosebud too

I wish there was a song to sing
To get you back
But you can't get here from nowhere I guess
Rosebud's shipwrecked up on the Ohio
Behind a wall of glass
Telling me to take it easy
But I took a photograph

And she's just a wooden machine
But you and Rosebud, you're still singing to me

Overall Meaning

The song "Rosebud" by Ryan Adams & The Cardinals is a haunting and melancholic tune, steeped in nostalgia and regret. The first stanza presents an interesting paradox - the singer seems to be admitting that he has no idea what the song that always comes to him when he picks up his guitar is about, or what its purpose is. Yet, he cryptically hints that it has something to do with someone or something called Rosebud - the mysterious subject of the song. The second stanza is equally enigmatic, as the singer laments the absence of a song that could "bring back" someone - presumably, Rosebud. But he shows a sense of resignation when he acknowledges that Rosebud is "shipwrecked up on the Ohio", and that he can't do much to help her except to take care of himself and his friends. The third and final stanza is perhaps the most poignant, as the singer describes Rosebud as a wooden machine - yet, he confesses that "she's still singing to me", even though she is physically trapped behind a "wall of glass" and inaccessible.

Line by Line Meaning

When I pick up my guitar
As soon as I take my guitar in hand

This is the song that always comes
This song always comes to me, automatically

Don't know what I'm singing 'bout and
I am not sure about what I am singing

Don't know what for
I do not know what my purpose is

I think about you
I think about a person I miss

And I think about Rosebud
I think about a feeling of nostalgia

Wish there was a song to sing
I wish there was one perfect song

To bring you back
That could bring back the person I miss

But you can't get here from nowhere I guess
It's impossible to bring them back, unfortunately

Rosebud's shipwrecked up on the Ohio
The feeling of nostalgia is in a difficult position, lost and far away

Behind a wall of glass
It's separated from me by a barrier, unable to interact

Telling me to take care of myself
The feeling of nostalgia wants me to take care of myself

And my friends
And not forget about my friends

You sing to a field of trees
That person used to sing to nature

And roses singing those melodies
And sing songs that were simple and beautiful

Simple and easy where everything moves
Where everything is easygoing and flows naturally

Underneath you
And it's a feeling that accompanies that person

And Rosebud too
The feeling of nostalgia is also present

I wish there was a song to sing
I still wish there was that one perfect song

To get you back
That could bring back the person I miss

But you can't get here from nowhere I guess
But unfortunately, it's still impossible

Rosebud's shipwrecked up on the Ohio
The feeling of nostalgia is still distant and lost

Behind a wall of glass
And I am still separated from it by a barrier

Telling me to take it easy
The feeling of nostalgia tells me to relax

But I took a photograph
I captured a moment of that feeling with a picture

And she's just a wooden machine
The picture is nothing but an object

But you and Rosebud, you're still singing to me
But the feeling of nostalgia, and the person I miss, still resonate in me

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
Written by: RYAN ADAMS

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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