St.Vincent Lyrics

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Muscle connects to the bone
And the bone to the ire and the marrow
I wish I had a gentle mind and a spine made up of iron

Mouth connects to the teeth
And teeth to the loves and curses

Can you reach the spots that need oiling and fixing?

Help me, help me

Help me, help me

Muscle connects to the bone
And the bone to the ire and the marrow

So I pretend these aren't ten strings attached to all ten of my fingers.

Help me, help me

If you could only go somewhere else

Help me, help me

Help me, help me

Help me, help me

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of "Marrow" by St. Vincent describe a person's longing for a strong backbone and a gentle mind, while also acknowledging the interconnectedness of the body and the importance of self-care. The first verse mentions how muscles connect to bones, which connect to the "ire" (anger) and the marrow. The use of the word "ire" suggests that the person may be struggling with controlling their emotions, and the desire for a gentle mind could be seen as a way to combat this inner turmoil. Additionally, the reference to the marrow could represent the core of someone's being or their innermost feelings.

The second verse continues this theme of interconnectedness, this time discussing how the mouth is connected to teeth, which are connected to both love and curses. This could suggest that the words we speak can either bring about positive or negative outcomes. The chorus then repeats the plea for help, suggesting that the singer may feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with these emotional and physical connections.

The final verse features the person admitting to pretending that they don't have any strings attached to their fingers, which could be interpreted as a way to avoid vulnerability or hide their weaknesses. Overall, the lyrics of "Marrow" seem to be conveying a sense of vulnerability and a need for personal growth and self-care.

Line by Line Meaning

Muscle connects to the bone
Acknowledging the physical connection between the body's different parts

And the bone to the ire and the marrow
Recognizing the deeper, more intrinsic connections between the body and soul

I wish I had a gentle mind and a spine made up of iron
Expressing a longing for both strength and compassion in oneself

Mouth connects to the teeth
Noting the natural physical connection between the mouth and teeth

And teeth to the loves and curses
Speculating on how teeth might relate to emotions, both positive and negative

An affectionate or playful address to someone, possibly a lover

Can you reach the spots that need oiling and fixing?
Asking for help in addressing one's own physical or emotional needs

Repeating the word 'help' as a desperate plea for assistance

So I pretend these aren't ten strings attached to all ten of my fingers.
Suggesting a desire to break free from the restrictions and expectations of others

If you could only go somewhere else
Expressing frustration or weariness with one's current circumstances or relationships

Lyrics © BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Muscle connects to the bone
And the bone to the ire and the marrow
I wish I had a gentle mind and a spine made up of iron

Mouth connects to the teeth
And teeth to the loves and curses
Honey can you reach the spots that need oiling and fixing?

Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Help me, help me

Muscle connects to the bone
And the bone to the ire and the marrow
So I pretend there aren't ten strings attached to all ten of my fingers

Help me, help me
If you want, we could go somewhere else

Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Help me, help me
Help me, help me

All comments from YouTube:


I've only heard digital witness, cruel, and this. Fuck me if she ain't a goddamn musical genius. Fucking hell I love it.


And hot.


this is cancer. are you serious? -.-


The song is beautiful regardless of lyrical content. I think we can both agree that cancer is a piece of shit cunty disease who have taken our dearest and brightest.


Doug Steele i actually meant the song..but its just me.


You aight.

3 More Replies...


Only discovering Annie now in 2024 and I'm absolutely blown away by how brilliant she is. A true artist. Great jams but also very interesting and crafty. Just brilliant


I have always believed this song was about panic attacks/social anxiety. The feeling that everyone is staring at you, stopping whatever they are doing, thinking about you, talking about you, following you. But when the panic attack is over or the anxiety is gone you realize it was all just a delusion in your head - no one cared or even really noticed you at all (as they have their own life to contend with).


Yeah she is dead on the highway. Flowers and everything.


As someone who has ADHD and bipolarism, I couldn't agree more, I also remember the line Star Wars: "Who is more fool? The fool or the fools who follow the fool?" I wonder if Jesus ever felt like this when the crowd followed him around expect him to perform the next mircial?

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