StaySolidRocky Lyrics

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I said I'm ballin' with my dawgs
I said I'm ballin' with my dawgs

Can you save me
Baby? I've been locked and
On the larceny recent
I'm been drinking daily, yeah
Motherfuck the opposite
I've been on the low with this .30

This my lil' rocket ship

Overall Meaning

starts off by saying that he is "ballin' with his dawgs," which could be interpreted as him living a lavish lifestyle with his close friends or associates. This could also imply that he is living a carefree and reckless lifestyle, engaging in activities that may not be considered socially acceptable.

The next line, "Can you save me," reveals a sense of vulnerability and a plea for help. It suggests that despite his outward appearance of living a glamorous lifestyle, he is facing internal struggles and needs someone to come to his aid.

The following lines mention being locked and involved in larceny, which refers to theft or illegal activities. This suggests that the singer has been caught up in a life of crime, potentially leading to his feeling trapped or imprisoned. The phrase "I'm been drinking daily" indicates that he is using alcohol as a coping mechanism, possibly to escape from his problems or numb his emotions.

The line "Motherfuck the opposite" implies a rebellious attitude towards conventional norms and societal expectations. This can be seen as a statement of defiance, rejecting the idea of conforming to societal standards and living life on his own terms.

In the last line, the lyrics mention being "on the low with this .30," which could refer to possessing a handgun. This line adds a sense of danger to the narrative, indicating that the singer may be involved in dangerous situations or even a potential threat to others. However, the phrase "This my lil' rocket ship" suggests that the weapon holds some significance or power in his life, possibly representing a source of protection or control.

Overall, these lyrics depict a character who appears to live a glamorous and rebellious lifestyle but is secretly struggling internally. The mention of illegal activities and a need for help reveals a complex and troubled individual, while the references to alcohol and firearms hint at potential self-destructive behavior and a danger to himself and others.


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Comments from YouTube:


sheesh mans all ways dropin fire


ofc u say that u got his pfp lmao


Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved......j



@StaySolidShades if u dont shut yo jesus is god lookin ahhh up


how has this man not blown up???


Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved......j



it only came out 3 days ago


@Ruggison bro I mean with all his other fye music he’s been dropping


Always solid🔥🔥🔥🔥



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