oki doki boomer
Senzawa Lyrics

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Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say, boomer
Ok (ok), boomer (yeah, boomer)
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok (ok), boomer (yeah, boomer)
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say-
Oki doki boomer

B o o m e r, please
Your dusty mood don′t vibe with me
You are old and so, therefore
I must say ten-four dinosaur

Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say, boomer
Ok (ok), boomer
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
Ok, boomer
Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)

Ok, boomer
Oki doki boomer

Overall Meaning

The song "Oki Doki Boomer" by Senzawa is a catchy and humorous response to the Baby Boomers generation, who are known for their traditional mindset and resistance towards newer trends and ideas. The singer mocks the Baby Boomers, emphasizing their rigidity, and dismisses their opinions and ideas as irrelevant. The use of the phrase "Ok, boomer" became viral on social media platforms as an expression of exasperation and frustration towards the Baby Boomers. The phrase works like a quick dismissal of their ideals and opinions, implying that their arguments and beliefs are outdated and need to be disregarded.

The lyrics of the song humorously describe the mismatch between the younger generation's outlook and the conservative mindset of the Baby Boomers. The singer refers to the Baby Boomers as "dusty" and "dinosaurs," implying they are ancient and outdated, and their ideas do not resonate with the younger generation. The use of a childlike phrase "oki doki" adds to the mockery and the humor of the song.

Overall, the song "Oki Doki Boomer" is a humorous and clever commentary on the generational divide and the differences between the Baby Boomers and the younger generation.

Line by Line Meaning

Ok (ok), boomer
I acknowledge your presence, individual of the baby boomer generation.

Whatever you say, boomer
I hear your words, but they do not resonate with me.

Ok (ok), boomer (yeah, boomer)
I understand and accept your viewpoint, baby boomer.

Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
I acknowledge your statement, but it does not impact me.

Ok (ok), boomer (yeah, boomer)
I comprehend and agree with your perspective, baby boomer.

Whatever you say, boomer (ok, boomer)
I hear what you are saying, but it does not affect my opinion.

Ok (ok), boomer
I recognize your identity as a member of the baby boomer generation.

Whatever you say-
You are entitled to your opinion, but I do not need to engage with it.

Oki doki boomer
I acknowledge your words, but I do not feel compelled to respond further.

B o o m e r, please
I am respectfully requesting your attention, individual of the baby boomer generation.

Your dusty mood don't vibe with me
Your negative attitude does not align with my own.

You are old and so, therefore
I am observing that you are from a different generation than I am.

I must say ten-four dinosaur
I am expressing my perception that you are outdated in your thinking and actions.

Writer(s): Sen Zawa

Contributed by Arianna L. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Comments from YouTube:


She hasn’t posted since last year and look what happened to the world




Right XD


2020 is the worst year in history, facts. Australia was on fire, a global epidemic has slowed society in all corners of the world to a hault, then there's the impeachment stuff. But the worst part is that we've lost Senzawa cries in weeb


She died


She can't get drunk because she can't get alcohol because of quarantine. She doesn't even know this channel exist when she is sober 😂.

94 More Replies...


Senzawa reaches one million subs
Senzawa: Wanna see me do it again?


Now two million's


anytime 3 million's...



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