The Beauty of Poison
Specimen Lyrics

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Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
Hello, good evening, glad you could come
For time is dead, no longer here

With your back in the sack
And your leather anorak
Do you feel dark?
In a masque in a cast
Its our only other chance
Oh I could do nothing to miss you

Shock (shock) there were two of us
Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Huzzah the times are fun now
The beauty of poison
Shock (shock) there were two of us
Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Huzzah, the times are fun now
This is the beauty of poison
The beauty of poison (x3)

Molted down into the rubber we're so tight
Turn back burn back turnstile
Is this what you wanted?

With your back in the sack
And your leather anorak
Do you feel dark?
In a masque in a cast
Its our only other chance
Oh I could do nothing to miss you

Shock (shock) there were two of us
Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Huzzah, the times are fun now
The beauty of poison
Shock (shock) there were two of us
Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Huzzah the times are fun now
This is the beauty of poison
The beauty of poison (x3)

Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
Hello, again, glad that you came
You can't condemn to save

With your back in the sack
And your leather anorak
Do you feel dark?
In a masque in a cast
Its our only other chance
Oh I could do nothing to miss you

Shock (shock) there were two of us
Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Huzzah, the times are fun now
The beauty of poison
Shock (shock) there were two of us
Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Huzzah the times are fun now

This is the beauty of poison
The beauty of poison (x3)

Overall Meaning

The song "Beauty of Poison" by Specimen is a post-punk/new wave song with a dark and mysterious tone to it. The song's lyrics describe mutants and peasants gathering for a masquerade party while celebrating the "beauty of poison". The lyrics mention a "back in the sack" and "leather anorak" which could represent the dark and alternative fashion associated with the post-punk subculture. The line "time is dead" suggests that the party-goers are living in the moment as if time does not exist.

The lyrics also mention "easing the gentlemen out of the skin" which could be interpreted as either a metaphorical or literal stripping away of societal norms and expectations. The chorus repeats the phrase "the beauty of poison" which could represent the addictive and dangerous allure of sinful or forbidden behavior.

Overall, the lyrics of "Beauty of Poison" convey a message of rebellion against societal norms and the celebration of the dark and dangerous aspects of life.

Line by Line Meaning

Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
Addressing the crowd of unique and unusual people with respect and admiration.

Hello, good evening, glad you could come
Welcoming the guests with warmth and appreciation for their presence.

For time is dead, no longer here
Time has no meaning, as the present moment is all that matters.

With your back in the sack
When you are feeling down and weighed down by life's troubles.

And your leather anorak
Clothing that shields and protects you from the harsh reality of the world.

Do you feel dark?
Asking if the listener feels a sense of sadness and despair.

In a masque in a cast
Putting on a mask and playing a fake role to survive in society.

Its our only other chance
Advising the listener that wearing a mask may be necessary for survival in this world.

Oh I could do nothing to miss you
Expressing the desire to spend time with someone without missing a moment.

Shock (shock) there were two of us
Realizing that there is someone else in this world who feels the same as you.

Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
Helping others take off their mask to reveal their true selves.

Huzzah the times are fun now
Celebrating the present moment with joy and enthusiasm.

The beauty of poison
Recognizing that sometimes the things that are harmful to us can also be beautiful.

Molted down into the rubber we're so tight
Feeling constricted and trapped by your surroundings.

Turn back burn back turnstile
Feeling trapped and unable to escape from the cycle of life.

Is this what you wanted?
Questioning the choices made that may have led to this point in life.

You can't condemn to save
One cannot save someone by constantly judging and criticizing them.

The beauty of poison (x3)
Reinforcing the idea that even harmful things can possess a certain beauty.


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Most interesting comment from YouTube:


Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
 Hello, good evening, glad you could come
 For time is dead, no longer here With your back in the sack
 And your leather anorak
 Do you feel dark?
 In a masque in a cast
 Its our only other chance
 Oh I could do nothing to miss you Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah the times are fun now
 The beauty of poison
 Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah, the times are fun now
 This is the beauty of poison
 The beauty of poison (x3) Molted down into the rubber we’re so tight
 Turn back burn back turnstile
 Is this what you wanted? With your back in the sack
 And your leather anorak
 Do you feel dark?
 In a masque in a cast
 Its our only other chance
 Oh I could do nothing to miss you Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah, the times are fun now
 The beauty of poison
 Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah the times are fun now
 This is the beauty of poison
 The beauty of poison (x3) Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
 Hello, again, glad that you came
 You can’t condemn to save With your back in the sack
 And your leather anorak
 Do you feel dark?
 In a masque in a cast
 Its our only other chance
 Oh I could do nothing to miss you Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah, the times are fun now
 The beauty of poison
 Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah the times are fun now
 This is the beauty of poison
 The beauty of poison (x3)

All comments from YouTube:


I saw them play when I was 16 and I didn't appreciate what I was seeing.
now I do.


WHAT'S THIS?!!! It's so perfect ♡ I still can't believe the band only lasted for 5 years... They were awesome!


Seriously! Most underrated band of the 80s. I have everything they ever released, but man I sure wish they had come out with more.


@@jankk i have loads on demos and live stuff to .... all brilliant


Been listening to Specimen since 83


Fly high, Olli Wisdom...


I was 17 going to goth clubs when this was on...I miss my youth


Met them three times, once at the Batcave, then a Kuwait airlines flight LA to London and then I saw them live at the Limelight NYC. Very talented lads!!!❤️


So glad I watched Goth at the BBC because I got to discover this song.  Great song :-)


Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
 Hello, good evening, glad you could come
 For time is dead, no longer here With your back in the sack
 And your leather anorak
 Do you feel dark?
 In a masque in a cast
 Its our only other chance
 Oh I could do nothing to miss you Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah the times are fun now
 The beauty of poison
 Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah, the times are fun now
 This is the beauty of poison
 The beauty of poison (x3) Molted down into the rubber we’re so tight
 Turn back burn back turnstile
 Is this what you wanted? With your back in the sack
 And your leather anorak
 Do you feel dark?
 In a masque in a cast
 Its our only other chance
 Oh I could do nothing to miss you Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah, the times are fun now
 The beauty of poison
 Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah the times are fun now
 This is the beauty of poison
 The beauty of poison (x3) Peasants gather round oh beautiful mutants
 Hello, again, glad that you came
 You can’t condemn to save With your back in the sack
 And your leather anorak
 Do you feel dark?
 In a masque in a cast
 Its our only other chance
 Oh I could do nothing to miss you Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah, the times are fun now
 The beauty of poison
 Shock (shock) there were two of us
 Easing the gentlemen out of the skin, oh
 Huzzah the times are fun now
 This is the beauty of poison
 The beauty of poison (x3)

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