Escape is at Hand for the Travellin
The Tragically Hip Lyrics

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It was our third time in New York
It was your fourth time in New York
We were fifth and sixth on the bill
We talk a little about our bands
Talk a little of our future plans
It's not like we were best friends

That number scheme comes back to me
In times beyond our heartbeat

We hung around 'til the final band called
"Escape Is At Hand For The Travellin' Man"
You yelled in my ear, this music speaks to me
They launched into, "Lonely From Rock 'n Roll"
Followed by, "They Checked Out An Hour Ago"
Closing with, "All Desires Turn Concrete"

Those melodies come back to me
Time beyond our heartbeat

I guess I'm too slow, yes, I'm too, yes, I'm too slow
But you said anytime of the day was fine
You said anytime of the night was also fine

I walked through your revolving door
Got no answer on the seventh floor
Elevator gave a low moan
The pigeons sagged the wire with their weight
Listening to the singing chambermaid
She sang, "They Checked Out An Hour Ago," and chuckled

Those melodies come back to me
Time beyond our heartbeat

I guess I'm too slow, yes, I'm too, yes, I'm too slow
But you said anytime of the day was fine
You said anytime of the night was also fine

Our heartbeat, our heartbeat, our heartbeat

Long conversation or idle chit chat
Maybe dive in or maybe hang back

Idle conversation or idle chit chat
Maybe dive in or maybe hang back

Overall Meaning

The Tragically Hip's song "Escape is at Hand for the Travellin" is a poignant reflection on memories, relationships, and the power of music to evoke and transport. The lyrics set the scene of two acquaintances, on their third and fourth trips to New York, respectively. They talk about their bands and their future plans, a casual encounter that does not necessarily spark a deep connection or friendship. However, it is during the final band's performance that something clicks. The song they play, "Escape Is At Hand For The Travellin' Man," speaks to them on a level that goes beyond their conversation. The lyrics of the song describe the feeling of being caught in a moment and seeking a way out. The band follows it up with "Lonely From Rock 'n Roll" and "They Checked Out An Hour Ago," songs that further convey a sense of alienation and disconnection. The final song, "All Desires Turn Concrete," suggests an acceptance of the fleeting nature of dreams and wishes.

As the music plays, the singer reflects on the significance of these songs and their melodies. They become symbols of memories that persist beyond the moment, "in times beyond our heartbeat." The encounter ends somewhat awkwardly, with the singer being "too slow" to catch up with their acquaintance. They walk through a revolving door into a silent, empty space, where they hear the singing chambermaid perform "They Checked Out An Hour Ago" and find solace in the shared experience of the music.

The song captures the wistful nostalgia that comes from remembering a time and place that may have been brief or insignificant, but still resonates emotionally. The power of music to evoke these memories is a central theme, as is the sense of yearning for an escape from the mundane or the disappointing aspects of life. The closing lines ("long conversation or idle chit chat, maybe dive in or maybe hang back") suggest an ambivalence about engaging with others and seeking connections, a struggle that can be eased by the right music.

Line by Line Meaning

It was our third time in New York
We had been to New York twice before

It was your fourth time in New York
You had been to New York three times before

We were fifth and sixth on the bill
We were the fifth and sixth acts scheduled to perform

We talk a little about our bands
We discussed our respective musical groups

Talk a little of our future plans
We touched upon our plans for the future

It's not like we were best friends
We were not particularly close

That number scheme comes back to me
I remember the numbering system

In times beyond our heartbeat
In a time long ago

We hung around 'til the final band called
We stayed until the last group performed

"Escape Is At Hand For The Travellin' Man"
"Escape Is At Hand For The Travellin' Man" was the name of the song

You yelled in my ear, this music speaks to me
You shouted that the music resonated with you

They launched into, "Lonely From Rock 'n Roll"
The band began playing their song "Lonely From Rock 'n Roll"

Followed by, "They Checked Out An Hour Ago"
The band played "They Checked Out An Hour Ago" after that

Closing with, "All Desires Turn Concrete"
The band ended their set with "All Desires Turn Concrete"

Those melodies come back to me
I still remember those songs

Time beyond our heartbeat
From a long time ago

I guess I'm too slow, yes, I'm too, yes, I'm too slow
I feel like I'm too slow

But you said anytime of the day was fine
You told me that any time of day was good for you

You said anytime of the night was also fine
You also said that any time of night was okay

I walked through your revolving door
I entered through the rotating door of your building

Got no answer on the seventh floor
You did not respond to me on the seventh floor

Elevator gave a low moan
The elevator made a low noise

The pigeons sagged the wire with their weight
The weight of the pigeons caused the wire to droop

Listening to the singing chambermaid
I heard the chambermaid singing

She sang, "They Checked Out An Hour Ago", and chuckled
She sang the song "They Checked Out An Hour Ago" and laughed

Our heartbeat, our heartbeat, our heartbeat
The rhythm of our lives

Long conversation or idle chit chat
Either a lengthy discussion or casual talk

Maybe dive in or maybe hang back
Perhaps getting involved or staying on the sidelines

Idle conversation or idle chit chat
Small talk or a casual conversation

Maybe dive in or maybe hang back
Perhaps engaging or remaining detached

Lyrics © Peermusic Publishing
Written by: Gordon Downie, Johnny Fay, Joseph Paul Langlois, Robert Baker, Robert Gordon Sinclair

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:


What a amazing song. I saw them 4-5 times on the Henhouse tour and got to hear it evolve out of their "New Orleans" jams. Miss you, Gord!


One of their best.


I fucking love this!!!! So very much!


I love this song because you want it to break out into a slam jam. But it never does.


I miss you Gordie
I miss the Hip


One of my favorites.


It’s one of The Hip’s favourites on Phantom Power, as stated on 25th anniversary Town Hall on Facebook tonight (November 8 ‘23).


this instrumental is one of their best for sure. And Gordie brought it home on vocals as usual ofc


Material Issue brought me here after learning this is Gord's tribute to front man Jim Elllison. RIP both.


Maybe the best love song ever written? Just sayin.

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