Give A Little
Tim Bendzko feat. Rea Garvey Lyrics

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Du darfst es von den Dächern schreien
Musst nur wählen, such dir eine Seite aus
Richtig oder falsch wird nicht die Frage sein
Die Frage ist, reichen deine Kräfte aus
Auch wenn du deinen Weg verlässt
Wenn du dein Ziel aus den Augen verlierst
Lass bitte keine Fehler aus
Du wirst schon sehen wohin sie führen

I know, I know, I know it sounds hard but you gotta let go
It's back to the start, back to what you know
You can hold on till everything is gone
Bring a little love, bring a little love
Even though you let your head hang low
Don't let your heart your heart grow cold
Bring a little love, bring a little love
Bring a little love, bring a little love

I heard you're sorry for the words you said, sorry that you stood up and left
Don't be a reason for the way that you're feeling
Raise your head don't let it hang low
Raise your head until the pain just goes
Mistakes your making, it's your heart your breaking

Solange du auf die Reise gehst
Bleibst du nicht auf der Stelle stehen
Es gibt keinen Grund mehr aufzugeben
Halte deine Träume hoch
Alles endet so wie so genauso wie du willst

Truth of the matter will be told in time
What yours is yours
And what mine is mine
We both have a dream so let's get in line
Future looks, we'll both be fine
Even in times you don't believe, even in times your heart will breathe
Bring a little love, bring a little love

Shout it from the rooftops, don't you let your head drop
Don't forget who you are

Overall Meaning

These lyrics by Tim Bendzko feat. Rea Garvey in the song Give A Little are about the ups and downs of life and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity. The message of the song is that life will present challenges, but it's essential to keep moving forward, even if it means leaving the path you're on and making mistakes. The lyrics encourage the listener to stay positive and keep the faith that you can achieve what you set out to do if you believe in yourself.

The lyrics begin by telling the listener that they can shout their dreams from the rooftops and choose a side, as the question of right or wrong will not matter in the end. The main question is whether your strength is enough to face the challenge, even when you lose your way or lose sight of your goals. Mistakes are inevitable, but they can show you the right path if you stay focused and believe in the journey.

The chorus of the song is about letting go and bringing a little love, even in tough times, when it's easy to let your head hang low and let your heart grow cold. It's about raising your head and staying positive, even when it seems like you've hit a dead end. The song encourages the listener to keep chasing their dreams, even when it's hard, and never forget who they are.

Line by Line Meaning

Du darfst es von den Dächern schreien
You can shout it from the rooftops

Musst nur wählen, such dir eine Seite aus
You just have to choose, pick a side

Richtig oder falsch wird nicht die Frage sein
Right or wrong won't be the question

Die Frage ist, reichen deine Kräfte aus
The question is, do your powers suffice?

Auch wenn du deinen Weg verlässt
Even if you stray from your path

Wenn du dein Ziel aus den Augen verlierst
If you lose sight of your goal

Lass bitte keine Fehler aus
Don't make mistakes

Du wirst schon sehen wohin sie führen
You'll see where they'll lead you

I know, I know, I know it sounds hard but you gotta let go
I know it's tough, but you must let go

It's back to the start, back to what you know
It's time to start afresh, go back to basics

You can hold on till everything is gone
You can hold on until everything is lost

Bring a little love, bring a little love
Show some love, spread some love

Even though you let your head hang low
Even though you're feeling down and out

Don't let your heart your heart grow cold
Don't let your heart become cold

I heard you're sorry for the words you said, sorry that you stood up and left
I heard you apologize for your words, for leaving

Don't be a reason for the way that you're feeling
Don't cause your own misery

Raise your head don't let it hang low
Lift your head high, don't be downcast

Raise your head until the pain just goes
Keep your head raised until the pain subsides

Mistakes your making, it's your heart your breaking
You're making mistakes, you're breaking your own heart

Solange du auf die Reise gehst
As long as you're on your journey

Bleibst du nicht auf der Stelle stehen
You won't keep standing in one place

Es gibt keinen Grund mehr aufzugeben
There's no reason to give up anymore

Halte deine Träume hoch
Hold your dreams high

Alles endet so wie so genauso wie du willst
Everything ends just as you want it to

Truth of the matter will be told in time
The truth will come to light in time

What yours is yours
What's yours is yours

And what mine is mine
What's mine is mine

We both have a dream so let's get in line
We both have dreams, so let's work together

Future looks, we'll both be fine
The future looks bright, we'll be alright

Even in times you don't believe, even in times your heart will breathe
Even when you don't believe, your heart will beat

Shout it from the rooftops, don't you let your head drop
Shout it out, don't be discouraged

Don't forget who you are
Don't forget your identity

Contributed by Kylie V. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Comments from YouTube:


Das geht wirklich unter die Haut! Vier hervorragende Stimmen! Eine unglaublich schöne Version von "Halleluja".....




Ja, 4 tolle Musiker und eine gefühlvolle Version- danke❤


Rea Garvey ❤


Sehr schön!!


Egal wer dieses Lied singt es ist immer wieder ein Erlebnis und ein Lied für die Ewigkeit


So iss es...‼


Dieses Lied ist Balsam für Leib und Seele, Gott hat diesen vier begabten Sängern eine besondere Stimme geschenkt


4 wundervolle Menschen und Künstler auf der Bühne.... Gänsehaut pur....Danke für diesen gemeinsamen Song und eine schöne friedliche Adventzeit für Euch alle❤❤❤🌲💫Ihr kennt alle den Song "Wunder geschehen"....das war grade so ein kleines Wunder❤🥹


Musik die schönste Sprache der Welt 🌍😇🕊in dieser Kombination absolut Himmlisch ❣EIN HALLELUJA FÜR FRIEDEN, LIEBE & GLAUBEN ❣🌠🙏

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