8 Ball
Underworld Lyrics

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I saw a man
I saw a man
Using an empty whiskey flask
As a walkie talkie


I saw a man
I saw a man
With a flaming eight ball
Tattooed on his arm


I saw a man
I saw a man
Using an empty whiskey flask
As a walkie talkie

I met a man
Who threw his arms around me

And you give in...
We laughed
We laughed waiting for a train
For a few into the city
Seconds today
That great stuff
That great stuff
That stuff
That stuff makes me feel waiting for a train
Feel into the city

Feel today
Happy today

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of the song "8 Ball" by Underworld are not overtly complex and perhaps can be considered as a commentary on modern-day urban life. The artist seems to be depicting the banality of life and how people use different means to create excitement in their daily existence. The lyrics start with the line "Today, Today" which gives the impression that the song is a snapshot of a particular day.

The first verse talks about a man who uses an empty whiskey flask as a walkie-talkie, indicating how people try to make things work with the resources they have, even if they are not the right tools for the job. It could also be interpreted as the man being so drunk that he is talking to an inanimate object as if it were alive, which is a rather worrying thought. The second verse talks about a man with a flaming eight ball tattooed on his arm, which could be a symbol of a dangerous or rebellious lifestyle.

Towards the end of the song, the artist talks about meeting someone who throws their arms around them. This could be viewed as a positive interaction and a moment of connection in an otherwise mundane day. The lyrics end on a positive note, with the artist claiming that the "great stuff" makes him feel "happy today."

Line by Line Meaning

This is the present day, and something interesting is about to be described.

Again, this line reemphasizes that the events of the song happened on the day being described.

I saw a man
The singer is about to describe something strange or noteworthy that he witnessed.

Reemphasizes that these events are happening on the day being described.

I saw a man
Another notable thing has caught the attention of the artist.

Using an empty whiskey flask / As a walkie talkie
The man the singer saw earlier was using an empty whiskey flask in place of a two-way radio.

Once again, the narration is brought back to the present day.

This line reiterates that this song is about the present day and the odd happenings that took place.

Yet another line emphasizing that these events all took place on a specific day.

I saw a man
Perhaps the events are building to a climax, as the artist is once again suggesting he saw something else unusual.

Reemphasizes the importance of the specific day this song is about.

I saw a man
The song's narrator is still seeing things that strike him as strange.

With a flaming eight ball / Tattooed on his arm
This man had an unusual tattoo, something that caught the singer's eye.

Today / Today / Today
Yet again, the singer states the importance of the specific day these events took place.

I saw a man / Today / I saw a man
These lines summarize the things the singer has seen so far today.

Using an empty whiskey flask / As a walkie talkie
The artist reiterates what he saw the man doing earlier, perhaps to drive home just how bizarre it was.

Once again, the artist points out that this all happened on the same day.

I met a man / Who threw his arms around me
We are introduced to a new character, who greets the singer warmly.

And you give in...
The remainder of the lyrics seems to describe a euphoric encounter the singer had with someone, possibly the man mentioned in the previous line. The line 'and you give in' could perhaps refer to letting yourself be swept up in the moment.

A final reminder that this all took place on a specific day.

We laughed / We laughed waiting for a train / For a few into the city / Seconds today
The artist and his companions share a moment of joy, waiting for a train to arrive. This is the emotional climax of the song.

That great stuff / That great stuff / That stuff / That stuff makes me feel / Feel into the city / Feel today / Happy today
The artist describes his happy state of mind, brought on by the camaraderie he shared with his companions on this particular day. The repetition of 'that great stuff / that stuff' perhaps hints at a particular drug or drink that helped put the artist in a euphoric state.

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