Charlie Brown
beabadoobee Lyrics

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Back on old habits
That no one knows about
Too bad that Charlie Brown
Has inked you up to slow you down
Has inked you up to slow you down

Throw it away
Throw it away
Throw it away

I call you if I need you
Give my brain a sec
I just need to figure things out
Figure things out

Throw it away
Throw it away
Throw it away

If I could die here a million times
Then what's the point of trying?

(Throw it away)

Throw it away
Throw it away

Throw it away
Throw it away

Overall Meaning

In beabadoobee's song "Charlie Brown," the lyrics speak to the singer having returned to old habits that no one knows about, potentially referring to coping mechanisms or a specific addiction. However, it's then revealed that Charlie Brown has "inked" the singer up, possibly referring to a tattoo or a person who has caused the singer to slow their progress or development. The repeated phrase "throw it away" seems to suggest that the singer wants to leave behind their past and destructive habits, but is struggling to do so.

The chorus also features the lyrics "If I could die here a million times / Then what's the point of trying?" which reflects a sense of hopelessness and futility. The line suggests that the singer is experiencing a feeling of being trapped, unable to escape their negative patterns or move forward in a meaningful way. The lyrics overall convey a deep emotional struggle, a desire to change, but an inability to let go of the past.

Line by Line Meaning

Back on old habits
Returning to past behavior patterns

That no one knows about
That are kept secret from others

Too bad that Charlie Brown
It's unfortunate that someone (like Charlie Brown) has negatively impacted you

Has inked you up to slow you down
Has left a permanent mark on you that's causing you to feel stuck or slowed down

Throw it away
Get rid of whatever is holding you back

I call you if I need you
I'll reach out to you for help when I need it

Give my brain a sec
Give me some time to think

I just need to figure things out
I need to find a solution to my problem

If I could die here a million times
If I could escape this situation forever

Then what's the point of trying?
What's the point of putting in effort if there's no way out?

Throw it away
Get rid of whatever is holding you back

Throw it away
Get rid of whatever is holding you back

Throw it away
Get rid of whatever is holding you back

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Written by: Beatrice Ilejay Laus

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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