Down at the doctors
dr feel good Lyrics

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Leave a late show
Still feel alive
Want a place to go
Round about five
Down to the doctors
Down to the doctors
Come on down to the doctors
Make you feel good all night
Everybody needs a shot of are 'n' be
So come on down to my surgery
Down to the doctors
Down to the doctors
Come on down to the doctors
Make you feel good all night
Eight bars on piano
Down to the doctors
Down to the doctors
Come on down to the doctors
Make you feel good all night
Come here baby
Ain't gonna do you no harm
I just want to shoot
Some rock 'n' roll in your arm
Down to the doctors
Down to the doctors

Come on down to the doctors
Make you feel good all night

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Dr. Feelgood's "Down at the Doctors" describe a late-night scene where people are looking for a place to go around 5 o'clock in the morning. The singer encourages them to come down to his "surgery" or doctor's office, where he promises to make them feel good all night long. He mentions the need for a "shot of R&B," implying that the music he plays is therapeutic and can uplift their spirits.

The use of medical terminology is a recurring theme throughout the song, suggesting that the singer is acting as a doctor who can cure their blues through music. The line "I just want to shoot some rock 'n' roll in your arm" is a clever play on words, suggesting that the music can be like a drug that can heal your soul. The chorus repeats the invitation to come down to the doctor's office, highlighting the idea that this is a place of healing and rejuvenation.

Overall, "Down at the Doctors" presents a playful and lighthearted way of thinking about music as a healing force. It celebrates the power of music to lift us up and make us feel good, even in the darkest of times.

Line by Line Meaning

Leave a late show
After attending a late show or event that has concluded at a late hour

Still feel alive
Feeling energized and excited despite the late hour

Want a place to go
Looking for a destination to maintain the liveliness and fun

Round about five
Approximately five o'clock in the morning

Down to the doctors
Traveling to the doctor's house or office that specializes in providing a specific type of treatment

Come on down to the doctors
Encouraging others to visit the said doctor's location

Make you feel good all night
Assuring that the outcome will be satisfactory

Everybody needs a shot of are 'n' be
Everyone requires a dose of soul or rejuvenation

So come on down to my surgery
Inviting others personally to visit the doctor's office where they operate

Eight bars on piano
A brief musical interlude played on the piano with eight measures

Come here baby
An endearing or intimate expression to an individual

Ain't gonna do you no harm
Indicating the doctor's treatment will not have negative effects but rather provide benefits

I just want to shoot
A colloquial phrase meaning to inject a substance into the bloodstream

Some rock 'n' roll in your arm
Referring to administering intravenous rock music to improve mood and energy

Make you feel good all night
Guaranteeing the treatment will last throughout the night


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Most interesting comment from YouTube:


Great live band. Powerhouse performances every time. I have the late, great Liverpudlian BBC DJ John Peel to thank for introducing their Talents to me back in the 1970s.

Thanks to YouTube these super talents and live performances of the "SarfEnd Sahnd" from the depths of Essex lives on.

Have Dr. Feelgood CDs in my cars and numbers like these are great to drive to. Stone's LP version of Route 66 in my cars ( tapes ) too but the live stage with Lee doing the vocals is great. His Harmonica playing is to my mind the most vigorously effective by anyone.

Every live version of "Down at the Doctors" is unique and all just as good.

Never tire of this stuff.

All comments from YouTube:


I reckon we saw these guys at least 4/5 times in Sydney between 1983-87…
Each gig was a riot.
I’ve never seen a band who were consistently more pissed than their audience, but they nailed it every show. (I think 😂)
It was a hot mess of tangled bodies & driving rhythms with that 12 bar blues road map that connected band and crowd so we all knew we’d get to the same place again safely.
Life affirming experience which I’ll never be able to forget. Soul inspiring bone marrow crunching bliss!
I turn 60 this year, thank you Lee (& all the lads) for being Doctor Feelgood.
Rest in peace Lee 🙏


Absolutely! I saw the original lineup in the UK at the Newcastle City Hall when making their massive breakthrough with the Malpractice album. Their hit the stage at 100 miles per hour & never stopped for 2 + hours & 3 encores later. Utterly breathtaking.


I felt like a fool when I finally 'discovered ' this band and I was already 76 years old...wut? now I'm collecting their recorded output and love every one of their band members... odd how music and art are limited in is breaking down many walls.


You missed this ???!!


Better late than never!!!👍


same here at 62....these guys jam


You're never too old to come onto anything as good as this Carlos!!


So Gypie Mayo or Wilco Johnson?

50 More Replies...


World's best pub band. Utter legends


I would argue that would have been The Faces, but this lot were great too.Saw them three times.

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