Meaning of ​split a pill lyrics by Machine Gun Kelly

July 28, 2023

The song "Split a Pill" by Machine Gun Kelly explores the complicated dynamics of a toxic relationship, addiction, and the desperate attempts to hold onto love.

In the first verse, the narrator expresses their frustration and anger by screaming "fuck you" in a quiet room they were invited into. This suggests a sense of betrayal or disappointment with the other person. They also mention missing a flight for this person and sharing a pill with them, indicating a willingness to sacrifice and engage in self-destructive behavior for the sake of the relationship.

The pre-chorus acknowledges that the narrator may have proclaimed love while under the influence of drugs, but they now recognize the need to sober up and confront the reality of the situation.

The chorus reveals the narrator's pattern of falling in love when they are intoxicated and accepting hatred from others. However, they claim to be sober now and indifferent to the opinions of others. The line "let's split a pill and break up" can be interpreted as a desire to indulge in a numbing substance to cope with the pain of the breakup. It can also be seen as a symbol of their willingness to share their self-destructive tendencies with their partner, further highlighting the toxic nature of their relationship.

In the second verse, the narrator is still lingering in their partner's driveway, symbolizing their continued attachment. They express a willingness to wait for an extended period, emphasizing their desperation for any acknowledgement or interaction, even if it is negative. The mention of landmines surrounding the partner's heart suggests that emotional walls and defenses have been put in place due to past hurt. The reference to anti-depressants indicates that both of them struggle with mental health issues, possibly using medication as a way to cope.

The bridge dives deeper into the narrator's emotional state, expressing a sense of numbness and suffocation. The pills they take are no longer helping them heal but rather exacerbating their emotional distress. This serves as a metaphor for the idea that relying on substances or outside influences to cope with pain can ultimately lead to more harm than good.

Overall, "Split a Pill" delves into the complexities of a volatile relationship, the destructive power of addiction, and the struggle to find healing and self-acceptance. It highlights the unhealthy patterns and destructive behaviors that can emerge when love and substance abuse intertwine. The song serves as a cautionary tale, urging listeners to seek healthier ways of dealing with their emotions and relationships.


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