Meaning of Tudo Mudou lyrics by Mariana Elisabetsky e Victor Mühlethaler (Ft. Fabi Bang & Myra Ruiz)

"Tudo Mudou" is a powerful duet performed by Mariana Elisabetsky and Victor Mühlethaler, featuring Fabi Bang and Myra Ruiz. The song is from the musical "Wicked," and it is sung by the two main characters, Elphaba and Glinda. The lyrics explore themes of self-discovery, friendship, transformation, and the impact that one person can have on another.

The song begins with Elphaba expressing her feelings of being lost in the vastness of the world, but she sees in Glinda the qualities she wishes she had. She believes that the future belongs to them both and that Glinda is the one who can bring about the change they need.

Glinda responds by saying that she has heard that there is always a reason for encounters in life, moments that are meant for learning and growth. She believes that life brings people who can teach us if we allow them to and that she has found that person in Elphaba. Glinda acknowledges that she doesn't know if this is true, but when she looks at who she has become, she sees Elphaba. It is as if their meeting was destined, just like a comet finding the sun or a river reaching the ocean. Their connection has changed everything for Glinda.

Elphaba acknowledges that they may never meet again in this lifetime, and she confesses that she has been transformed by Glinda. She carries Glinda's mark in her heart, regardless of how their story ends. She doesn't know if their journey will have a happy or sad ending, but their friendship has created a new ending for both of them.

The chorus repeats the metaphor of a comet finding the sun, the wind carrying a sail to the sea, and the rain in the desert growing a garden. By repeating these metaphors, the song emphasizes the transformative power of their connection, whether it be for good or bad. What matters is that everything has changed because of Glinda.

In the bridge, Elphaba apologizes for anything she may have done to hurt Glinda, seeking her forgiveness. Glinda responds by recognizing that what she has done may also lack reason, and she tells Elphaba that any resentment she felt is now in the past.

The song concludes with a reprise of the chorus, highlighting the importance of their encounter. It doesn't matter if their journey was positive or negative; what matters is the impact they had on each other. The repeated phrase "por sua causa" (because of you) emphasizes that everything has changed in their lives because of this friendship.

"Tudo Mudou" is a poignant and heartfelt song that explores the profound impact that one person can have on another. Through their friendship and connection, Elphaba and Glinda experience personal growth and transformation. The song encourages us to reflect on the significance of the relationships and encounters that shape our lives, reminding us that sometimes the most unexpected connections can change everything.


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