Meaning of Somebody That I Used to Know lyrics by Mikill Pane

August 19, 2023

The song "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Mikill Pane, featuring Gotye and Kimbra, explores the emotions and aftermath of a failed relationship.

In the first verse, Mikill Pane reflects on his attempts to save the relationship by encouraging communication. He mentions the drastic change from discussing marriage to barely acknowledging each other in a Tesco aisle. He expresses bitterness and self-medication through alcohol. Mikill Pane acknowledges hearing the popular Gotye song, possibly referring to the hit track "Somebody That I Used to Know," and admits borrowing its sound in his own music. He addresses the advice from well-meaning friends, who assure him that his ex-partner will come back, but he doesn't believe it. Mikill Pane compares his longing for reconciliation to an exit sign above a front door, symbolizing his desperate hope for her return. Despite his desires, she left abruptly, taking all her belongings and changing her phone number.

The chorus, sung by Gotye, signifies the pain of being cut off and treated as a stranger. He expresses his hurt and confusion, questioning why she had to go to such lengths to detach from him. Gotye acknowledges that he doesn't need her love, but her actions still feel rough, leaving him feeling like he's become someone she used to know.

In the second verse, Mikill Pane reflects on his diminished place in her heart. He describes feeling like a forgotten figure in her mind and a void next to her in bed. The songs on the radio remind him of her, making it difficult for him to move on. Mikill Pane mentions not being able to make a record selection because her friend came to collect her music collection. He confesses that when he said he could let her go, it was only a heat-of-the-moment statement, and he now realizes the significance of Amy Winehouse's words about love being a losing game. Mikill Pane is writing this song in a studio, highlighting his pain and longing for the person who is now a distant memory.

In the final verse, Kimbra enters and reflects on her perspective of the failed relationship. She acknowledges the times he mistreated her, making her believe she was always at fault. Kimbra expresses her desire to live differently, no longer overanalyzing everything he says. She brings up his comments about being able to move on, emphasizing that she won't be caught up on somebody who used to know her.

Overall, "Somebody That I Used to Know" delves into the emotions of heartbreak, communication breakdown, and the struggle to let go of someone who was once a significant part of one's life. The song emphasizes the pain and resentment experienced by both parties involved, ultimately leaving them as mere strangers to each other.


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