Meaning of Heart of Glass (Live) lyrics by Miley Cyrus

August 28, 2023

The song "Heart of Glass (Live)" by Miley Cyrus appears to be a cover of the iconic song originally performed by Blondie. While the basic meaning of the lyrics remains the same, Miley Cyrus brings her own interpretation to the song.

The lyrics express the concept of having a love that initially seemed wonderful, but ultimately turned out to be fragile and deceptive. The line "Once had a love and it was a gas, it soon turned out, had a heart of glass" suggests that the initial excitement and passion in the relationship quickly gave way to realization that it was not as solid or genuine as it originally seemed.

The phrase "seemed like the real thing, only to find much o' mistrust, love's gone behind" implies that the love the singer experienced was built on a foundation of mistrust, leading to its eventual demise. This sense of betrayal or disappointment is emphasized in the repetition of the line "once had a love" throughout the song.

The verses touch upon the confusion and lack of peace of mind that love can bring. The singer expresses feeling lost and realizing the illusion that their love was based upon. The line "I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside" suggests a plea for the partner to reconsider and not discard the relationship so easily.

Despite the ups and downs, there is also a hint of longing and nostalgia for what could have been. The line "We could've made it cruising" reflects a sense of missed opportunities and the potential that the relationship once held.

In the outro, the line "riding high on love's true bluish light" adds a touch of vibrant imagery, suggesting that even in the midst of heartbreak, love can still provide moments of brightness and intensity.

Overall, Miley Cyrus's interpretation of "Heart of Glass" captures the complex emotions involved in a love that starts off promising but ultimately reveals its fragile and illusory nature.


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