Meaning of Tomorrow Silver lyrics by Msaki & Sun-El Musician (Ft. Diplo)

"Tomorrow Silver" by Msaki & Sun-El Musician (ft. Diplo) reflects on various aspects of life such as peace, money, and love, and explores how to maintain them once they are obtained or experienced.

The song begins by contemplating peace and the desire to preserve it once it is found. This could signify a personal search for inner peace or a longing for harmony in relationships or society. Similarly, the lyrics ponder the concept of money and the challenge of keeping it once acquired. It implies a consideration of financial stability and the responsibility that comes with wealth.

The central theme of the song revolves around love and the question of how to sustain it once it is obtained or achieved. It suggests that the artist has experienced a sense of friendship and support, even on difficult days when prayers seemed unanswered. This could be interpreted as a reflection on the unconditional love and loyalty provided by a friend or a significant other.

The bridge captures a sense of empowerment and resilience. It encourages fear to bow down and illustrates the strength and determination to persevere. The repetition of the phrase "let my mantras dance, and my heart deliver" suggests the use of affirmations and positive thoughts to overcome challenges and deliver the desired outcome.

The chorus emphasizes a sense of confusion and uncertainty, questioning choices made, such as buying plastic burgundy shoes. It expresses a feeling of being stuck or unable to progress, which can be metaphorical for broader life situations and emotional challenges.

The final verse brings the focus back to peace and love, highlighting the importance of maintaining them once they are discovered. It emphasizes the desire to share and give away love without fear of losing it.

Overall, "Tomorrow Silver" reflects on the complexities of life, including the pursuit of peace, the responsibility of wealth, and the challenges of maintaining love. It encourages resilience, self-reflection, and the importance of cherishing and safeguarding these aspects of life once they are attained.


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