Meaning of Vogue lyrics by Noizu

November 9, 2023

The song "Vogue" by Noizu appears to be a celebration and tribute to iconic figures in pop culture, specifically Madonna, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, and the concept of voguing itself. Each line in the song mentions these artists and their respective eras or personas, emphasizing their influence and impact on the music industry.

The repetition of "It's giving Madonna, Vogue," "It's giving Mariah, diva," and similar phrases suggests a sense of admiration and recognition for these artists' contributions. The lyrics also mention the "rainbow era," possibly alluding to the LGBTQ+ community's role in the history of voguing and its connection with self-expression and liberation.

The word "Vogue" is repeated throughout the song, serving as a mantra or rallying cry, perhaps encouraging listeners to embrace their individuality, celebrate cultural icons, and participate in dance and performance as a form of self-expression.

Overall, the song "Vogue" can be seen as a celebration of pop culture, highlighting the impact and influence of various iconic artists. It encourages listeners to embrace their own unique identities and find inspiration in the creative expressions of others.


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