Meaning of Ancestry lyrics by August Burns Red (Ft. Jesse Leach)

"Ancestry" by August Burns Red is a powerful and emotional song that delves into the complex dynamics of a broken family relationship. The lyrics explore themes of abandonment, loss, and the struggle to find forgiveness and closure.

In the verses, the song addresses the pain and confusion caused by the departure of a family member. The imagery of a cavern in the person's ribs symbolizes the emptiness and emotional void left behind. The narrator, who remains behind, tries to hold onto fragments of memories and hopes for a sense of connection. However, they realize that these attempts won't inspire any sympathy or understanding from the absent family member.

The second verse reflects the anger and resentment felt towards the individual who left. The phrase "hollow point" suggests the destructive force of their actions, causing damage not only to themselves but also to the entire family ("ancestry"). Despite the narrator's judgment being clouded by their shared blood, they acknowledge the harm inflicted by the family member and mourn the scars left behind.

The chorus, sung by guest vocalist Jesse Leach, emphasizes the dichotomy between the lies and truth within the family's history. Despite the deception, the narrator still sees the good in life and acknowledges that it is not the end. The line "I'll see you on the other side" suggests a hope for a future meeting and perhaps a reconciliation beyond earthly existence.

In the post-chorus, Leach hints at the possibility of the absent family member eventually caring about the consequences of their actions, but the narrator acknowledges that it is not their burden to bear.

The third verse expresses the narrator's apathy and confusion surrounding the absent family member's struggle. There's the realization that they cannot fully comprehend what love means in the context of this complicated relationship. The line "When I'm thinking of you, I have no words for you" reflects the difficulty in articulating their feelings towards the family member.

The fourth verse highlights the disappointment and sense of abandonment the narrator feels. The absent family member has made their choices, and even in their absence, the consequences of those choices affect the remaining family members.

In the final verse, the lyrics address the difficulty of finding truth and authenticity amidst the web of lies and deceit. The narrator reflects on the pain caused by the family member's actions but recognizes that their own hurt will never compare to the pain endured by everyone else. The line "Although you see the light, I'll see you on the other side" suggests a belief in an eventual reunion, despite the challenges and unresolved conflicts.

Overall, "Ancestry" explores the complex emotions that arise from familial betrayal and abandonment while conveying a sense of longing for closure and the hope for eventual reconciliation.


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