Meaning of Lavender lyrics by Avantasia (Ft. Bob Catley)

"Lavender" by Avantasia (feat. Bob Catley) is a song that explores themes of nostalgia, longing, and the passage of time. The lyrics paint a picture of someone who is grappling with their past and the memories associated with it.

The song begins with the portrayal of a character who feels different and isolated from others, like a "monster in his own way." This person is trapped in a world where they struggle to communicate and understand their surroundings. The line "Surrounded by the ghosts of paling pictures, they come and slip away" suggests that these memories and moments from the past haunt the individual but quickly fade away, leaving them longing for more.

As the song progresses, both vocalists express their desire to be swept away by these vivid memories, as they feel a sense of loss and yearning. The mention of "going up like fire" and the "blink between the dream and the memories" implies that they are seeking an escape from reality, hoping to relive the moments that were once cherished.

The mention of the "breathing odor of lavender" symbolizes a triggering scent that brings back the memories associated with the past. The lyrics express regret for not expressing certain words or feelings before someone's departure, indicating a sense of unfinished business or unresolved emotions.

The section where Tobias Sammet sings about a "soul, a storm, a journey across the waves" suggests a metaphorical voyage or transformation taking place within himself. It symbolizes a personal growth or introspection, fueled by the memories and experiences that have shaped him.

Overall, "Lavender" by Avantasia delves into the bittersweet aspects of reminiscing, the desire to relive certain moments, and the regret that accompanies the inability to have said or done something differently in the past. It captures the melancholic essence of nostalgia and the longing for a time that has passed.


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