Meaning of Best for Last lyrics by Adele

July 17, 2023

"Best for Last" by Adele explores the dynamics of a tumultuous and one-sided relationship. In the song, Adele expresses her vulnerability and deep longing for the other person to reciprocate her feelings.

The lyrics in the first verse depict Adele's unwavering love and her desire for the other person to open up emotionally. She yearns for them to acknowledge that she has always been there for them. However, despite her hopes, she realizes that she is often taken for granted and not appreciated fully.

The chorus highlights Adele's desire to be the one who fulfills the other person's needs entirely. She wants to be their everything, but she feels as though they only give her a glimpse of their affection. They "save the best for last," treating her as though she is secondary, temporary, and replaceable. Adele recognizes this and confronts them, expressing her frustration at being played with and used.

In the second verse, Adele reflects on her efforts to win the other person's love. She tries her hardest, but it seems to be in vain. Despite her attempts, the other person continues to prioritize someone else, leaving Adele feeling inadequate and unimportant. She holds onto a glimmer of hope, believing that maybe one day they will truly love her and say the words she desperately longs to hear.

The post-chorus reiterates Adele's realization that the relationship is superficial and lacks true depth. She acknowledges that the other person is merely a temporary fix, filling a void in her life but not holding much meaning. She confronts them for thinking they could deceive and manipulate her emotions.

The bridge delves into the complex nature of Adele's feelings. Despite being aware of the truth and the pain caused by the other person's mistreatment, she finds it difficult to let go. She confesses that even their harsh treatment only intensifies her desire to persist in the relationship. She admits to loving the things they do, despite the heartbreak they cause her.

In the final chorus, Adele envisions a perfect scenario where the other person reciprocates her love and devotion. She longs for them to be the one who understands her and fulfills all her needs. Yet, it can be interpreted that she still holds onto these hopes despite acknowledging the unlikelihood of them being met.

Overall, "Best for Last" conveys the emotional rollercoaster of a one-sided relationship, where Adele yearns for love and validation while being fully aware of the futility of her efforts. It showcases the complexities of human emotions and the longing for someone to truly see and appreciate us.


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