Meaning of Come Together [Live! Bootleg] lyrics by Aerosmith

July 10, 2023

"Come Together" is a classic rock song by Aerosmith, and the live bootleg version adds an extra level of energy and spontaneity to the performance. The song was originally written by John Lennon and performed by The Beatles. Aerosmith's interpretation adds their own unique flair to the song, making it a staple in their live performances.

The lyrics of "Come Together" are filled with abstract and surreal imagery. The song opens with the introduction of a character known as "old flat top." This character is described as someone who is unique and free-spirited, with long hair and a carefree attitude. He is portrayed as a joker who does whatever he pleases, refusing to conform to societal norms. This character represents the individualistic and rebellious nature of rock and roll.

The lyrics then introduce various strange attributes of this character. Phrases like "Joo Joo eyeball," "toe jam football," and "monkey finger" create a dreamlike and psychedelic atmosphere. These unconventional descriptions further emphasize the character's idiosyncrasies and set the tone for the rest of the song.

As the song progresses, the lyrics shift to a more universal message. The line "one thing I can tell you is you got to be free" suggests a call for personal freedom and individuality. This sentiment resonates with the countercultural movements of the 1960s and 1970s, which sought to challenge societal norms and promote personal freedom.

The chorus, "Come together, right now, over me," carries a sense of unity and togetherness. While the meaning might be ambiguous, it could be interpreted as a plea for people to come together despite their differences and embrace a shared sense of freedom and individuality.

The lyrics also incorporate references to other cultural icons, such as "walrus gumboot" and "Ono sideboard," which reference The Beatles and John Lennon's personal life. These references reinforce the song's connection to the rock and roll culture and its themes of breaking boundaries and embracing individuality.

Overall, "Come Together" is a song that celebrates individualism, personal freedom, and unity. It encourages listeners to embrace their unique qualities and come together as a collective force, united in their pursuit of freedom and self-expression.


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