Meaning of Only One lyrics by Ali Gatie

January 1, 2024

The song "Only One" by Ali Gatie explores themes of love, forgiveness, and longing for a lost relationship. The protagonist reflects on a past love and expresses a yearning to reconnect with the person who was once the only one who made them feel a certain way.

In the first verse, the protagonist acknowledges the pain caused by the person they loved, but they also show forgiveness and a willingness to move forward. The line "I know you did me wrong, I know it's not your fault, Girl, I forgive what you did, just pick up your phone" indicates a desire to reconnect and repair the relationship.

The chorus emphasizes the significance of this person in the protagonist's life, asserting that they are the only one who truly mattered. The repetition of "You the only one" highlights the depth of their connection and how they feel this person is irreplaceable.

In the second verse, the protagonist reflects on the personal growth that resulted from the relationship, indicating that even though they lost the person, they gained valuable life lessons. They express a deep longing for the ex-partner, wondering about their thoughts and hoping for a reunion.

The bridge delves into the protagonist's aspirations and their attempt to find success in their career. There is a sense of confusion and hurt from the breakup, as they try to understand why the relationship ended and why their ex-partner left. They emphasize that their ex-partner was irreplaceable and that they still think about them.

Overall, the song captures the emotions of longing and regret, with the protagonist yearning for the person they consider to be their one true love. The significance lies in the exploration of the complexities of love and the impact it can have on personal growth. The song's meaning revolves around the idea of cherishing someone who was unique and feeling the loss deeply. It also acknowledges the need for forgiveness and the difficulty of moving on from a past love.


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