Meaning of Plentiful (Originals) lyrics by Alicia Keys (Ft. Pusha T)

"Plentiful (Originals)" by Alicia Keys (ft. Pusha T) explores themes of faith, temptation, and spiritual growth. The song showcases contrasting perspectives from Pusha T and Alicia Keys, offering different insights into their personal journeys.

In Pusha T's verse, he delves into the temptations and struggles of life. He references the devil preying on weaker individuals and acknowledges the transient nature of materialistic pursuits. Despite indulging in luxuries like Prada carry-ons and celebrating on white sands, he highlights the underlying knowledge that such experiences are fleeting and temporary. Pusha T's mention of scales like a Libra, referencing the zodiac sign associated with balance, suggests his ability to navigate between different worlds and situations. He also draws a parallel to Alicia Keys herself, who often plays the piano, symbolized by the phrase "playing on these keys like Alicia." This implies that they both possess hidden depths and secrets known only to themselves, resisting external pressures to reveal all aspects of their lives.

Alicia Keys' verse takes a different tone as she expresses her unwavering faith and deep connection to God. She describes her belief in a plentiful and benevolent God who surrounds her daily. Using the metaphor of feeling the water beneath her, she emphasizes a sense of renewal and spiritual abundance. The experience of living hidden in disguise is likely a reference to a period when she may have struggled with her identity or faced challenges. However, her faith, symbolized by the mention of "Faith is the King," has helped her overcome these obstacles and see the world with newfound clarity. Alicia Keys further reinforces her devotion by laying down her life and forever claiming her connection to God.

Overall, "Plentiful (Originals)" combines the introspective struggles of Pusha T with Alicia Keys' resilient faith. It conveys the message that despite the difficulties and temptations in life, remaining connected to a higher power and staying true to oneself can lead to profound growth, inner peace, and abundant blessings.


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