Meaning of Bad Habits lyrics by Alphasphinxv2 (Ft. And John McDaid, Ed Sheeran & Fred again..)

The song "Bad Habits" by Alphasphinxv2 featuring John McDaid, Ed Sheeran, and Fred again.. explores the theme of addiction and the destructive habits that one can't seem to resist. The lyrics describe a person who is unable to resist the temptations of a particular person or activity.

The first verse sets the stage for the rest of the song by describing how the protagonist gives in to their desires whenever the person or activity they crave is present. They are aware of the consequences of their actions but are still unable to resist the temptation.

The chorus highlights the protagonist's bad habits, which include engaging in late-night conversations with strangers, swearing that they will stop doing things that they know are bad for them but can't seem to quit. They acknowledge that they are losing control of their behavior and actions and seem to be resigned to the fact that they have nothing left to lose or use.

The post-chorus serves as a reminder that the protagonist's bad habits always lead them back to the person or activity they crave, and they are unable to escape it.

The bridge suggests that the protagonist and the object of their desire took the "long way round," implying that they had gone through many trials and hardships to reach this point. However, now that they've burnt out, it's no longer fun.

Overall, "Bad Habits" is a song about the dangerous consequences of being unable to resist our desires. It portrays a character who is aware of their destructive behavior but is unable to break free from it. The song warns us of the dangers of addiction and the importance of acknowledging our bad habits and seeking help to break free from them.


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