Meaning of No Angels lyrics by Bastille (Ft. Ella Eyre)

"No Angels" by Bastille featuring Ella Eyre is a modern interpretation and reimagining of the classic R&B song "No Scrubs" by TLC. While the original song empowers women and rejects the advances of unworthy suitors, Bastille's version adds depth and complexity to the narrative by incorporating contrasting perspectives and challenging societal ideals.

The opening verse, delivered by Bastille's lead singer Dan Smith, sets the stage by introducing the concept of a "scrub" and its negative connotations. In this context, a scrub is depicted as someone who is immature, lacking ambition, and incapable of providing love or financial stability. Smith's lyrics criticize these individuals who talk about what they want without taking any action to achieve their desires. This suggests a commentary on the superficiality and insincerity of modern relationships.

The pre-chorus further amplifies the rejection and disinterest, emphasizing the speaker's lack of desire for any form of interaction with these scrubs. The repetition of "no" underscores the firmness of their stance, rejecting not only their advances but also their desire for reciprocation. This refusal to engage with the scrubs' intentions speaks to the song's theme of self-respect and the importance of setting boundaries in relationships.

As the chorus transitions to Ella Eyre's perspective, the song takes on a new dimension. Eyre's voice emerges as a counterbalance to Smith's, presenting a strong and assertive female character. She reasserts the rejection of scrubs and their inability to earn love or respect. Eyre's powerful vocals convey confidence and independence, embodying a woman who refuses to settle for mediocrity or insincerity.

Another layer of social commentary arises in the second verse, as Eyre describes a scrub trying to approach her despite his evident weakness. By contrasting her own class and elegance with his trash-like qualities, she highlights the importance she places on self-worth and the refusal to engage with individuals who do not meet her standards.

The underlying theme of materialism and societal expectations is brought to the forefront in the bridge. Smith's voice intertwines with Eyre's, discussing various societal markers of success and desirability. The mention of a car, independence from living with one's mother, and the ability to show love to a partner all serve as indicators that a person is not a scrub. This commentary challenges society's emphasis on material possessions and status, pointing out that true value lies in personal growth, emotional maturity, and genuine affection.

The chorus is then reprised, with both Smith and Eyre joining forces, triumphantly declaring their rejection of scrubs. The repeated references to "hanging out the passenger side of his best friend's ride" cleverly allude to TLC's original song, reinforcing the connection between the two versions and paying homage to the source material.

The outro, sung by an ethereal chorus of angels, adds a layer of transcendence and purity. The phrase "Being as in love with you as I am" raises questions about the nature of love and the standards we set for ourselves and our partners. It serves as a reminder that love should be based on mutual respect, genuine connection, and shared values, rather than settling for someone who cannot reciprocate.

In conclusion, Bastille's "No Angels" is an in-depth reimagining of "No Scrubs," exploring themes of self-worth, societal expectations, and the importance of setting boundaries. The song highlights the need for authenticity, ambition, and emotional maturity in relationships, urging listeners to reject superficial advances and strive for genuine connections.


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