Meaning of ​​​​kick of a lifetime by ​c0ncernn

July 18, 2023

"Kick of a Lifetime" by c0ncernn seems to delve into the theme of unrequited love and the pain that comes with it. The song explores the narrator's conflicting emotions as they reflect on their deep need for someone who desires another person.

The opening dialogue in the song sets a confrontational tone, with one voice suggesting that the narrator and others are wasting their lives. This could imply a sense of frustration or dissatisfaction with their current circumstances.

The lyrics highlight the narrator's internal struggle; they acknowledge their intense longing for this person, but simultaneously recognize the reality that the person they desire is interested in someone else. The repeated lines, "I'm still thinking about how much I need you, but you really want somebody else," emphasize this painful contradiction.

In the verse, it becomes evident that the narrator feels let down and hurt by the situation. They express that despite their loyalty and devotion, time has passed, and now their love interest is marrying someone they've never met. This line may convey a sense of betrayal or abandonment, as the narrator realizes they have been disregarded or replaced.

The subsequent "Drop 2" section, featuring kmoe and Charli XCX, consists mostly of repeating phrases like "out me" and "wish that we could go back in time." These lines could be interpreted as a desire to escape or undo the heartbreak they're experiencing. The repetition adds to the emotional intensity of the song, emphasizing the narrator's longing and frustration.

The outro reflects on the type of person the narrator is attracted to. The lines "Guys like you, like you, baby" suggest a pattern in their romantic choices, perhaps pointing to a preference for individuals who cause heartache or are unattainable. The repeated line "Ooh, wish that we could go back in time" further underscores their desires to change the situation, potentially finding a way to avoid the pain altogether.

Overall, "Kick of a Lifetime" portrays the complexity and agony of unrequited love, exploring themes of longing, betrayal, and a longing to rewrite the past.


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