Meaning of Desire lyrics by Calvin Harris & Sam Smith

The song "Desire" by Calvin Harris & Sam Smith explores themes of romantic longing, intense attraction, and the overwhelming desire for connection with someone. The lyrics convey the yearning for emotional closeness and the intense impact that this person has on the narrator.

In the verse and pre-chorus, the narrator expresses their longing for the person to hold them and not let them go. They desire to be the sole focus of the other person's attention, craving their control in a relationship. This shows a deep desire for emotional intimacy and a longing to be completely consumed by this connection.

The chorus highlights the addictive effect that this person has on the narrator. Just the mere thought of them keeps the narrator awake, indicating the powerful impact they have on their emotions. The person takes the narrator to new heights and serves as an escape from reality.

The post-chorus further emphasizes the desire to escape from the mundane and be taken away by this person. It suggests a dream-like state where the narrator can fully immerse themselves in a relationship with this desired person, free from any interruptions or disruptions.

Overall, "Desire" delves into the intensity of yearning for someone and the overwhelming strength of desire they can evoke. It expresses the longing for emotional connection, as well as the addictive nature of the feelings experienced in their presence.


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