Meaning of Breathin’ With A Stranger lyrics by Della's Mashups (Ft. Ariana Grande & Sam Smith & Normani)

The song "Breathin’ With A Stranger" by Della's Mashups (Ft. Ariana Grande, Sam Smith, and Normani) explores themes of feeling overwhelmed, seeking solace in others, and finding comfort in unfamiliar connections. The lyrics depict the struggles of daily life and mental health challenges, while also emphasizing the power of music and dancing as a means of escape and release.

In the verses, Ariana Grande sings about the heaviness she feels, with her energy being drained by various aspects of her life. She mentions how people recommend medication to help her cope, suggesting that she may be dealing with anxiety or stress. However, she finds support and relief in someone who takes her cares away. The chorus' repetition of "Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'" underscores the importance of staying resilient and continuing to push through difficult times.

The post-chorus, performed by Sam Smith, introduces the metaphorical idea of dancing with a stranger. This image could be interpreted as a metaphor for finding comfort and escape in the company of someone new, who is not burdened by familiarity or preconceived notions. This idea is further expanded upon in Normani's verse, where she expresses the desire to forget about a past relationship and find solace in the presence of someone new.

The pre-chorus, performed by both Sam Smith and Normani, suggests a sense of empowerment and defiance in moving on from the past. The repetition of "Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new" implies that they are not allowing their past experiences to hold them back. They find liberation in embracing new connections and experiences.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of time passing and the inability to control one's own mind. This may reflect the chaotic and often overwhelming nature of life and how it can feel impossible to slow down or find peace. However, despite these challenges, the song emphasizes the importance of perseverance and the healing power of music and dance as a form of release.

In terms of cultural and historical references, the lyrics do not specifically allude to any particular events or contexts. Rather, the song focuses on universal themes of navigating personal struggles and seeking solace within oneself and through connections with others.

Overall, "Breathin’ With A Stranger" is a song that explores the complexities of dealing with daily life and mental health challenges. It conveys a message of resilience, reminding listeners to continue breathing and finding strength even in the face of overwhelming circumstances. The song suggests that sometimes finding solace and embracing new experiences, including those with unfamiliar people, can lead to personal growth and healing.


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