Meaning of Sabik lyrics by DENȲ (PHL) (Ft. Arthur Nery)

The song "Sabik" by DENȲ (PHL) featuring Arthur Nery explores themes of fear, heartache, and longing in a romantic relationship. The lyrics delve into the narrator's emotions and vulnerability as they struggle with their feelings for someone who is not reciprocating the same level of affection.

In the chorus, the narrator questions why they feel afraid and why their heart beats faster when they think about the person they love being with someone else. They feel suffocated and unable to breathe, even though the person they love does not belong to them, indicating their intense emotional attachment.

The first verse expresses the narrator's inability to stop loving this person, despite their efforts to suppress their feelings. They yearn for the person and crave their presence, but they try not to think about them, even though it feels like a futile endeavor.

The pre-chorus highlights the inconsistency in the relationship, with the person leaving and returning unexpectedly. The narrator feels confused and hurt by this back-and-forth dynamic, wondering why the roles have reversed, and they are now the one longing for the other person's affection.

Arthur Nery's verse adds another perspective to the song, questioning the significance of their shared looks and physical contact. The narrator wonders what more they need to do to avoid being mistaken for being with someone else. They express a desire to ease the other person's pain and tears, but they also hint at a lack of concern and a tendency to multiply their words, suggesting a complicated relationship dynamic.

Overall, "Sabik" reflects the doubts, fears, and heartache that can arise when one person loves another who does not reciprocate the same level of affection. It captures the complexities and emotional roller coaster of a demanding and unbalanced relationship.


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