Meaning of Big Ego’s lyrics by Dr. Dre (Ft. Hittman)

The song "Big Ego's" by Dr. Dre (ft. Hittman) is a braggadocious track that celebrates the rappers' success and confidence. The song opens with a spoken intro that sets the stage for a flight in California, where the rest of the lyrics will take place. Dr. Dre opens the first verse boasting about his superiority over other rappers, stating that he forgave some and blazed at others. He also mentions the dangers of living in California and the necessity to stay armed to protect himself from haters and potential threats. The chorus, sung by Hittman, is dedicated to those with big egos who are not afraid to live life on their own terms, make money legally, and ignore their haters. The second verse by Hittman is similarly indulgent, with lyrics describing his ability to handle haters and his pride in being from California. He also boasts about his drinking and smoking habits, while threatening anyone who might cross him or his crew. The song closes with an outro in which Hittman tells a woman not to call him anymore, highlighting their success and confidence in ignoring those who are not up to their level. Overall, "Big Ego's" is a song that celebrates the rappers' confidence, success and their ability to rise above haters and potential threats.


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