Significado de Taylor Swift - invisible string (the long pond studio) (Türkçe Çeviri) de Genius Türkçe Çeviri

December 3, 2023

The song "Invisible String" by Taylor Swift tells a story of interconnectedness and destiny. The lyrics depict various moments and encounters throughout the narrator's life, highlighting the idea that there is an invisible string tying everything together.

In the first verse, the narrator reminisces about a time when they used to read books in Centennial Park and believed they would meet someone there. This person is symbolized by the color turquoise, representing a significant connection. The chorus reflects on the unpredictability of life and questions whether there were any signs or hints pointing to this destined connection. The invisible string is mentioned, suggesting that this person has always been connected to the narrator.

The second verse mentions a trip to Los Angeles, where they shared a memorable meal at the narrator's favorite place. A bold waitress comments on the narrator resembling an American singer. These moments further reinforce the idea of fate and the invisible string connecting the narrator and their significant other.

The bridge emphasizes the powerful pull of the invisible string, bringing the narrator and their partner together despite past mistakes and hardships. It symbolizes overcoming challenges and finding solace in their connection. The use of metaphors, such as sharpening a steel blade and wrapping past mistakes in barbed wire, represents growth and protection through their relationship.

In the third verse, the narrator reflects on the coldness they once felt after being hurt by others. Now, they send gifts to those who hurt them, demonstrating forgiveness and growth. The autumn leaves symbolize the narrator showing their partner around Centennial Park, which was once a difficult journey but ultimately led them to a place of happiness and fulfillment.

The chorus repeats, reinforcing the idea that these experiences, both good and bad, have shaped their connection. The narrator appreciates the sorrows and vibrant skies that their partner has brought into their life. The song ends with the outro, emphasizing the emotional impact of the invisible string and the enduring bond it represents.

Overall, "Invisible String" explores the concept of fate, interconnectedness, and the idea that there are invisible forces at work in our lives, guiding us towards the people who are meant to be a part of our journey.


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