Meaning of Another Post Human Dream lyrics by Failure

July 4, 2023

"Another Post Human Dream" by Failure is a thought-provoking and introspective song that explores the themes of disillusionment, loss, and the consequences of human progress. The lyrics delve into the speaker's perception of a society that has lost its way, where the pursuit of technological advancements has overshadowed human connection and jeopardized the essence of what it means to be human.

The opening lines, "I never believed we could, Sink this way, There's no more light, It's always day," set a desolate and gloomy tone. It suggests a state of despair and hopelessness, where the speaker feels as though they have descended into a metaphorical abyss. The absence of light and the eternal presence of day symbolize a sense of perpetual sameness and an inability to escape the suffocating realities of this new world.

The line, "You in your ghost-filled capsule, Treading the space, You can't back out, You won't be saved," presents a stark image of isolation and entrapment. The speaker refers to someone who has embraced technology to the point of becoming disconnected from their own humanity. The "ghost-filled capsule" represents a metaphorical vessel, perhaps a spaceship or virtual reality environment, in which this individual spends their existence. However, despite their awareness of this predicament, they are unable or unwilling to extricate themselves from this technological dependency.

The mention of "Algorithms of demise float, Over our heads" highlights the ominous influence of algorithms and the obsession with data-driven decision-making. These algorithms, representing the cold and impartial nature of technology, seem to dominate and dictate people's lives. They hang overhead, figuratively suffocating and overshadowing individuality and creativity.

The lines, "While all the wrong warnings tangle up, In the wrong threads," emphasize the confusion and chaos that arises from misinformation and misinterpretation. It suggests that amidst this technological revolution, society has become entangled in false narratives and misguided notions. People are easily swayed and deceived, leading to the erosion of truth and genuine connection.

The refrain, "Remember green, Another post-human dream," serves as a poignant reminder of what has been lost. "Green" symbolizes nature, vitality, and the essence of life. It represents a time when humanity was more connected to the natural world and each other. This line calls for remembrance, urging individuals to reflect on a time when the future seemed brighter and more promising. The term "post-human dream" alludes to a time when human existence becomes overtaken by technology, where the boundaries between humanity and machines blur.

The subsequent lines, "How could you let the low-life, Stand for you? There's no more soul, There was never truth," berate the listener, questioning their apathy and acceptance of a degraded existence. The speaker laments the loss of human depth and sincerity, implying that people have traded their individuality and soul for the ease and convenience of automated living. It also implies that truth and authenticity were absent from the beginning, suggesting that this dystopian reality was inevitable.

The verse, "Everyone's got a voice now, And nothing to say, The world is free again, To be time's slave," critiques the modern age of digital connectivity and social media. While virtually everyone now has a platform to express their thoughts, the speaker observes that the majority have nothing of substance to contribute. It signifies a superficiality and noise that dilutes genuine human interaction. The phrase "the world is free again, to be time's slave" suggests that these technological advancements, while promising liberation, actually subject individuals to a perpetual cycle of distraction and self-absorption.

The second repetition of the chorus reinforces the nostalgic sentimentality present throughout the song. The plea to "Remember all the blue, It's a long time since I missed you" represents a yearning for the past, a time when simplicity, emotion, and genuine human connection were more prevalent. "Blue" may symbolize emotions, depth, and vulnerability, contrasting with the cold and sterile nature of a post-human world. The speaker longs for authentic experiences and relationships that have been eroded by the relentless march of progress.

In conclusion, "Another Post Human Dream" by Failure delves into the themes of disillusionment, technological dependency, and lost connections. The song serves as a poignant critique of a society that has succumbed to the allure of progress, at the expense of organic human experiences. It prompts listeners to reflect upon their own relationship with technology and the potential consequences of a world where the "post-human dream" becomes a reality.


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