Meaning of Florence + The Machine - Moderation (Türkçe Çeviri) lyrics by Genius Türkçe Çeviri

The song "Moderation" by Florence + The Machine, translated into Turkish by Genius Türkçe Çeviri, explores the concept of moderation in love and relationships. The lyrics suggest a conversation between two individuals, with one person expressing the desire for a more measured approach to love and affection.

In the first verse, the speaker questions whether they appear moderate in their affection, and the other person catches them seeking approval. The notion of "new pastures" implies the exploration of new potential relationships. Despite the speaker's willingness to be measured in their love, they wonder whom the other person believes they are talking to.

The chorus urges the listener to bow their head in the presence of God, questioning their perception of themselves. It implies that the listener believes they need something or desires love, but if they truly understood what it entailed, they would not want it. The repetition of "moderation" emphasizes the theme of measured love.

In the second verse, the speaker admits that they cannot do anything in a moderate manner and that they never truly understand. They have experienced intense emotions and have taken everything they could. The speaker struggles to contain tension and is trying to be better, longing to be capable of moderation in love. They express a wish for the ability to do so, highlighting their awareness of their inability to be measured.

The bridge addresses the "little girl" and emphasizes the importance of learning self-control. The inability to restrain oneself and the difficulty in realizing one's worth are themes explored. The repeated phrase "just can't win" conveys a sense of defeat or frustration. The speaker is trying to understand why they constantly cause pain, indicating a cycle that persists.

The outro repeats the word "moderation" and suggests that despite the desire for love, it should come in moderation. The repetition of the word underscores the overall theme of the song.

Overall, "Moderation" delves into the struggle between intense emotions and the desire for a more balanced approach to love and relationships. It explores the challenges of self-control and the complexities of understanding one's worth in the context of intense affection.


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