Meaning of Nicki Minaj - Ganja Burn (Terjemahan Indonesia) lyrics by Genius Terjemahan Indonesia

The song "Ganja Burn" by Nicki Minaj, translated into Indonesian by Genius Terjemahan Indonesia, delves into various themes such as empowerment, self-confidence, and overcoming obstacles. In the lyrics, Nicki Minaj addresses her detractors and asserts her dominance in the music industry.

In the first verse, she talks about the constant challenges she faces and how she has paved her own path, giving others a chance. She warns those who try to oppose her that they will end up defeated. She mentions that she has overcome those who have used dark arts against her, and she has risen above them. The reference to "Gandhi" suggests that she can either fight back or bring peace, portraying her strength against her enemies and their envy towards her successful music career.

The chorus talks about the burning of the "ganja" or marijuana, which represents a calming effect for Nicki Minaj. It symbolizes how she finds solace and tranquility amid the chaos and criticism she faces. The repetition of "every time I'm drunk, all that's on my mind is you" suggests that her focus is on her own success and not on the negativity surrounding her.

In the second verse, Nicki Minaj addresses those who try to imitate her but fail to match her level of talent and success. She talks about how people compare themselves to her and try to incite hatred towards her, but she dismisses them as insignificant. She challenges them to create their own music and asks if they believe they are as great as artists like Kanye West or Jay-Z. She asserts her own hard work and dedication, mentioning that she writes her own rap lyrics. She emphasizes that her success has been built on sweat, tears, and hard work, and she remains the choice of many despite attempts to bring her down.

The interlude and outro sections speak of Nicki Minaj acknowledging the presence of someone and expressing regret for past mistakes. The repetition of "na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na" serves as a melodic and rhythmic element in the song.

Overall, "Ganja Burn" showcases Nicki Minaj's resilience in the face of adversity, asserting her dominance in the music industry, and finding peace and empowerment in her own success.


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