Meaning of Stray Kids - 강박 (Red Lights) (Terjemahan Indonesia) lyrics by Genius Terjemahan Indonesia

September 28, 2023

"Red Lights" by Stray Kids explores the theme of being unable to let go of someone or something. The lyrics depict a sense of dependency and desperation, as the narrator expresses the idea that they cannot breathe or survive without having this person by their side. They plead for the person to stay close and hold onto them tightly.

The lines "I fight to leave, there's no answer / Until the sun goes to sleep, deeper" suggest that the narrator is struggling with the idea of moving on or finding a way out of this situation, but they can't seem to find a solution. They want to know more but feel like they have lost control, possibly referring to a lack of understanding or clarity in the relationship.

The repeated mention of red lights indicates a sense of danger or caution, as if the narrator feels trapped and unable to escape this situation. The refusal to leave the person alone and the constant need for their presence highlight the narrator's fear of being alone and their dependence on this individual.

The bridge emphasizes the narrator's increasing desperation and loss of control, as they describe themselves as going crazy and unable to let go. The repetition of "red lights" further reinforces the sense of being stuck and unable to move forward.

Overall, "Red Lights" portrays the struggle of being unable to detach oneself from someone or something, and the fear of loneliness that comes with it. It reflects the complex emotions and inner battles one can experience when faced with the conflicting desire to let go and the overwhelming need to hold on.


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