Meaning of Lana Del Rey - Get Free (Traduzione Italiana) lyrics by Genius Traduzioni Italiane

The song "Get Free" by Lana Del Rey, as translated by Genius Traduzioni Italiane, explores themes of personal transformation, breaking free from societal expectations, and seeking a deeper understanding of oneself.

In the first verse, the lyrics express a desire to transcend the ordinary world and uncover the revelations of the heart. There is a sense of certainty that this process will remove darkness and negativity from one's life.

The pre-chorus suggests that the song is a personal commitment or a modern manifesto. It is about giving a voice to those who have never had a chance to shine or express themselves freely. The lyrics reference "birds of paradise" that have been unable to fly at night due to being constrained by societal norms and expectations.

The chorus delves into the conflicts and struggles within oneself. The lyrics describe feeling like there is a war going on in the mind, wanting to escape but continuing to ride the rollercoaster of life. The realization that now lies within is the need to move forward and break free from the darkness, seeking the blue, which symbolizes a more positive and authentic state of being.

In the second verse, the weight of living by others' standards is released. The mention of "living like Crowley" refers to Aleister Crowley, an influential figure known for his pursuit of personal freedom and spiritual exploration. The lyrics suggest that the narrator was not being true to themselves and did not realize it until discovering that their partner was also disconnected.

The pre-chorus continues to explore the theme of disillusionment with chasing illusions. The rainbow, a symbol of hope, is depicted as an illusion with no end. The colors that used to attract are no longer appealing, and the trance-like state they induce is now recognized for what it is.

Ultimately, "Get Free" is a song about introspection, realizing the need to break free from societal constraints, and embracing personal authenticity and liberation. It encourages individuals to follow their own path and live a life true to themselves rather than playing someone else's game. The mentioned journey from darkness to blue represents the transition from a state of confusion and conformity to one of self-discovery and fulfillment.


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