Meaning of Lana Del Rey - Hapiness is a butterfly (Український переклад) lyrics by Genius Ukrainian Translations (Український переклад)

The song "Happiness is a butterfly" by Lana Del Rey, translated into Ukrainian by Genius Ukrainian Translations, explores themes of longing, escape, and the pursuit of happiness. The lyrics convey a sense of yearning for connection, freedom, and a release from past pain.

In the first verse, the singer questions whether the person they are addressing truly wants them or not. They describe a situation where they have paved their way to their own parking spot, metaphorically symbolizing a place of safety and belonging. The reference to a hot bar and the feeling of summer through the window sets a sensual and nostalgic tone.

The chorus suggests that happiness is fleeting, comparing it to a butterfly that the singer tries to catch every night but eludes their grasp, disappearing into the moonlight. The lyrics also portray the singer's desire to find solace and comfort in the routines of daily life, as they sing lullabies to their loved ones over the phone during touring.

The pre-chorus delves into deeper themes of pain and the experience of being hurt. The singer contemplates the possibility of being involved with someone who is rumored to be dangerous, and questions what could be worse than being with someone who has already harmed them. They express a sense of vulnerability and the idea that they may already be damaged. The mention of looking into the eyes of this person and speculating that they have already been hurt suggests a connection based on shared pain or trauma.

The chorus repeats the exploration of happiness as an elusive concept, emphasizing the importance of seizing it in dance and music. The singer recognizes their own eccentricity and acknowledges their longing for happiness by proclaiming their craziness.

The post-chorus simply expresses the desire to dance with the person they address, emphasizing the intimacy and connection that comes through dancing.

In the second verse, the singer describes leaving a canyon and going to a club, signaling a shift in atmosphere and mindset. They mention changing from one thing to something new, hinting at personal growth or transformation. The reference to specific locations adds a cinematic quality to the lyrics.

The rest of the song follows a similar pattern as the first verse and chorus, further exploring the themes of happiness, pain, and connection. Overall, "Happiness is a butterfly" delves into the complexities of human emotions, the struggle to find happiness, and the yearning for meaningful connections.


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