Meaning of Taylor Swift - We Were Happy (Taylor’s Version) [From the Vault] (Український переклад) lyrics by Genius Ukrainian Translations (Український переклад)

The song "We Were Happy" (Taylor's Version) [From the Vault] (Український переклад) by Taylor Swift, translated into Ukrainian by Genius Ukrainian Translations (Український переклад), reminisces about a past relationship and the happiness that was once shared.

In the first verse, the lyrics describe the carefree nature of their past, where they would roam the streets and enjoy the bright lights. There was no rush to go anywhere, and the night was theirs. They were undeniably happy during that time. The lyrics mention a memory of sneaking into a circus and being embraced by the person, feeling deserving of that affection.

The chorus reflects on a time when everything was good between the two lovers. They felt invincible, overshadowing everyone else. Laughing together in the darkness created a memorable bond. They had dreams of buying the lover's father's farm, discussing it excitedly. Overall, they were truly happy.

Moving to the second verse, it talks about watching sunsets from a boat on the water, paralleling their current emotional state. Saying goodbye now feels much more challenging because they were happy together.

The bridge addresses the protagonist's struggle with voices telling them they are no longer in love, which they hate. Despite these doubts, they feel a lack of choice in the matter. This conflicting feeling leads to tears because they were happy together.

The final chorus repeats the sentiment of everything being good when they were together. They outshone others, shared laughter in the darkness, and talked about a future involving the lover's father's farm. The mention of the lover planning to marry the protagonist suggests a deeper commitment was envisioned. The repetition of "we were happy" serves as a bittersweet reminder of the happiness they once had.


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