Meaning of Alphaville - Forever Young (Deutsche Übersetzung) lyrics by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen

"Forever Young" by Alphaville is a song that celebrates youth and the desire to remain young and free-spirited. The lyrics express a longing for eternal youth and a rejection of the idea of growing old. The song encourages listeners to live life to the fullest and cherish the moments of youthfulness.

In the first verse, the lyrics talk about dancing with style and looking towards the heavens. It reflects a carefree attitude of embracing the present moment and hoping for the best while expecting the worst. The mention of a bomb being dropped alludes to the fear and uncertainty of the Cold War era, where the threat of nuclear war was a constant concern.

The chorus repeats the desire to be forever young and questions whether one truly wants to live forever. It presents a contrast between the idealized concept of eternal youth and the challenges that may come with immortality.

The second verse delves deeper into the idea of aging and the struggle to find meaning in life as time goes by. The lyrics suggest that some people retain their youthful spirit while others gradually lose it. The mention of being like water, heat, melody, or rhythm symbolizes different personality traits and approaches to life. The lyrics ponder why some people let go of their youthful energy and fail to embrace the vibrancy of youth.

The song alludes to the fleeting nature of life and the need to seize opportunities while they exist. It emphasizes the importance of living in the present and not letting dreams and adventures fade away. The reference to diamonds in the sun symbolizes the beauty and timeless qualities of youth, suggesting that youth itself is immortal.

Overall, "Forever Young" carries a timeless message of cherishing youth, embracing moments of joy and freedom, and resisting the conformity and burdens of growing old. The song encourages listeners to hold on to their youthful spirit and make the most of their lives. It has become an anthem for the eternal desire for youth and the celebration of living in the present.


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