Meaning of John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads (Deutsche Übersetzung) lyrics by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen

"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver, in the German translation provided by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen, is a nostalgic and heartfelt song that captures the longing for a familiar place, and the sense of belonging and connection to the land. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of West Virginia, with its Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River, and country roads.

In the first verse, the singer describes the beauty of West Virginia, emphasizing its timeless nature. The phrase "Da ist das Leben alt, älter als die Bäume" (There life is old, older than the trees) suggests a deep connection to the region's history and natural environment. The phrase "wachsen kinderleicht" (growing childishly easy) reflects the simplicity and ease of life in the country.

The chorus repeats the longing for country roads to take the singer home, emphasizing a strong desire to return to a place of belonging. The mention of West Virginia as the "Mutter Berg" (Mother Mountain) highlights the deep emotional connection to the region, perhaps symbolizing a nurturing and protective presence.

In the second verse, the lyrics touch on the singer's fond memories and associations with West Virginia. The mention of a miner's wife and the blue waters indicates a sense of camaraderie among the people and a connection to the local industries. The phrase "Dunkel und staubig, am Himmel gemalt" (Dark and dusty, painted on the sky) creates a vivid image of the landscape and atmosphere, evoking a sense of familiarity and nostalgia.

The bridge section expands the emotional depth of the song. The singer mentions hearing a voice in the morning, which could represent a loved one or a collective memory calling them back home. The reference to the radio triggering memories of a distant home signifies the power of music in evoking emotions and associations with a particular place. The feeling of being "Gestern hätte zu Hause sein sollen, gestern" (Should have been home yesterday, yesterday) conveys a sense of missed opportunities and a deep longing to reconnect with one's roots.

The final chorus repeats the desire to be taken home by country roads, emphasizing the yearning for a return to a familiar and beloved place. The song's overall meaning revolves around the deep emotional attachment to one's hometown and the longing to return to a simpler, more authentic way of life. It captures the universal desire to find a place where one feels a sense of belonging and connection to the land and the community.

Symbolically, the country roads represent a path back to a cherished place, both physically and emotionally. The mountains and rivers mentioned in the song convey a sense of grandeur and permanence, symbolizing the enduring nature of the singer's connection to the land. The mention of a miner's wife and the blue waters highlights the cultural and historical significance of the region's industries and natural resources.

Overall, "Take Me Home, Country Roads" is a poignant and relatable song that celebrates the beauty of rural landscapes, the comfort of familiar places, and the strong ties between individuals and their hometowns. It speaks to the universal longing for a sense of belonging and the yearning to return to a simpler, more authentic way of life. The song's enduring popularity can be attributed to its ability to evoke nostalgia and stir emotions in listeners.


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