Meaning of Lord Huron - The Night We Met (Deutsche Übersetzung) lyrics by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen

"The Night We Met" by Lord Huron is a nostalgic and introspective song about longing to relive a moment in the past. The lyrics describe the narrator's search for direction in life and their desire to return to a night when they met someone significant.

In the first verse, the narrator acknowledges that they are not the only one who has unfinished business and debt to settle. They are lost and seeking a path to follow, hoping to find their way back to the night when they first met this person.

The second verse reveals that the narrator's confusion stems from this person's influence on them. They are torn between wanting to follow this person and being afraid of the consequences. The chorus echoes the narrator's longing to return to that fateful night, where they once had everything they wanted but ultimately lost it all.

In the third verse, the narrator recalls a time when the night was full of fear and tears, but this person had not yet touched them. The final chorus suggests that the narrator is haunted by the memory of this person and their impact on their life, wishing to return to the moment when everything changed.

Overall, the lyrics convey a sense of longing, introspection, and regret. The narrator is grappling with the weight of their past and trying to understand how they got to where they are now, all while holding onto a fading memory of a pivotal moment in their life.


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