Meaning of Taylor Swift - Karma (Deutsche Übersetzung) lyrics by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen

The song "Karma" by Taylor Swift, translated into German by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen, explores the concept of karma and its effects on those who engage in deceitful and harmful behavior. The lyrics express a sense of empowerment and satisfaction that comes from seeing karma in action.

In the first verse, the singer emphasizes that the person they are speaking to is engaged in manipulative behavior for their own amusement. The person is afraid to face the consequences of their actions and the negative energy they have created. The singer suggests that this negative energy will eventually come back to haunt them.

The chorus repeats the theme of karma being a friend and a god. Karma is described as a breeze in the singer's hair on the weekend, a relaxing thought. They challenge the person to feel envious that karma does not work in their favor. Karma is compared to a cat, purring in the singer's lap because it loves them. It flexes like an acrobat, showcasing its power. The singer implies that they have a good relationship with karma.

In the second verse, the singer refers to the person as a "spider boy" and "king of thieves" who weaves webs of deception. The singer acknowledges that their success has been achieved by cheating or deceiving others. However, they remind the person that money is not the only reward and that karma will catch up with them.

The bridge reflects on the singer's experiences and growth over the years, questioning why others have faded away while they have remained. It suggests resilience and hints at the belief that karma has played a role in their continued presence and success.

The breakdown section strengthens the image of karma as a force to be reckoned with. Karma is described as thunder, shaking the ground, and as a bounty hunter on the person's trail. The lyrics portray karma as sweet as justice and a queen, bringing the singer's friends together. It is also depicted as a presence that comes directly to the singer's home.

The chorus is repeated, emphasizing the bond between the singer and karma. The outro restates that karma is a friend, a god, and a relaxing thought.

Overall, the song "Karma" reflects Taylor Swift's belief in the concept of karma and explores the satisfaction that comes from witnessing it unfold, particularly for those who have engaged in harmful behavior. It highlights the consequences of deceit and manipulation while championing justice and the eventual balance that karma brings.


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