Meaning of The Weeknd - Scared To Live (Deutsche Übersetzung) lyrics by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen

"Scared To Live" is a song by The Weeknd, translated into German by Genius Deutsche Übersetzungen. The lyrics express regret and reflection on a past relationship.

In the first part of the song, the narrator acknowledges that they should have let go of their partner when they noticed the signs. However, they held on to them, unsure of letting them go. The narrator realizes that their partner was lonely and their actions caused them to forget how to love. They acknowledge that things will never be the same again and the time they lost together can never be replaced.

The chorus encourages the partner to not be afraid to live again. It's a plea for them to overcome their fear and embrace life fully. The repetition emphasizes the importance of taking this leap of faith.

In the second part of the song, the narrator acknowledges that their partner missed opportunities to fall in love with someone else because their heart only knows the narrator. Others tried to win their love, but there was nothing left for them. The partner was left feeling lonely. The narrator, however, reflects on their own transformation. They admit to doing things they couldn't show the partner, but they also refused to be the one who broke their heart.

The post-chorus reflects the narrator's hope that their partner will find themselves. They pray that the partner understands this and that they both fell apart from the beginning.

The bridge suggests that the narrator should have made their partner their one and only. It expresses regret for not taking this action earlier.

The final chorus repeats the plea for the partner to not be scared to live again. The post-chorus reiterates the narrator's hope that the partner will find themselves and acknowledges that they fell apart from the beginning. Overall, the song captures a sense of regret, reflection, and optimism for the partner to move forward and rediscover themselves.


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