Meaning of 5 Seconds of Summer - Easier (Live from the Vault) [ترجمه ی فارسی] lyrics by Genius Farsi Translations (ترجمه‌ی فارسی)

The song "Easier (Live from the Vault)" by 5 Seconds of Summer explores the complexities and contradictions of a troubled romantic relationship. The lyrics reflect the singer's struggle with the dynamic of their relationship and the conflicting emotions they feel towards their partner.

The first verse sets the stage for the theme of the song. The singer questions why they always seem to run away from their problems but inevitably end up back in the same place. It hints at a cycle of conflict and reconciliation that is characteristic of their relationship.

In the pre-chorus, the singer expresses their intense love for their partner, so much so that it borders on hate. They admit that it is difficult to blame their partner because they are incredibly beautiful. This juxtaposition of love and hate reflects the emotional turmoil the singer experiences in their relationship.

The chorus poses a question about whether it is easier to stay in the relationship or walk away. The singer confesses that they do not want to know the answer. Despite acknowledging that they will never change, they believe their partner will always stay the same and not want it any other way. It implies a sense of resignation and acceptance of the dysfunctional nature of their relationship.

In the second verse, the singer describes how every time their partner threatens to leave, it brings out the best version of themselves. They highlight the dependency they have on their partner, comparing it to the necessity of breathing air. It suggests that the highs and lows of their relationship bring out the best and worst in them.

The bridge emphasizes the challenging aspect of their relationship, provoking the notion that they are destined to fall. It adds to the overall theme of struggle and difficulty in maintaining this love-hate dynamic.

The repetition of the chorus and outro reinforces the internal conflict the singer experiences. They love their partner passionately but also acknowledge the difficulties and frustrations that come with it. The reference to their partner's beauty further emphasizes the complexity of their feelings.

Overall, "Easier (Live from the Vault)" delves into the duality of love and hate, longing for stability while accepting the turbulent nature of their relationship. It captures the emotional rollercoaster of a love that is both beautiful and challenging.


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